Bobbins the same weight?  Well, not necessarily.  I have met people who 
required their bobbins to weigh the very same on a pillow. To the milligram.  
But....that's a bit compulsive.  I would say...lacemaking is more efficient if 
the bobbins on a project are "similar" in size and weight.  The fingers can 
fumble more when switching from a short to a long bobbin, or from a thick to a 
thin, or from a light one to a heavy one.

I have mixed styles of bobbins frequently, when I didn't have enough of one 
kind available for the project.  However, I try to keep them as similar as 

The exception to this is for gimp bobbins.  I often use a distinctly different 
bobbin for gimp because I want my fingers to be alert that it's not a normal 
thread bobbin.  Thus, I can use a larger bobbin that can deal with thick gimp 
thread better than whatever bobbins are being used on the main project.

I'm currently making a scarf that has a design inserted into every repeat with 
a different color for each design. When winding bobbins for all the color 
inserts, I ran out of the type used on the main scarf.  I used what was empty, 
and now find myself weaving a very thin pair through the thicker ones of the 
passive threads.  It feels, and looks, very weird.  Thankfully, I will use the 
thin pair only a short distance and then discard it.

It's experiences like this that encourage lacemakers to acquire a quantity of 
bobbins in different sizes.  (But I have to admit that I know a couple 
lacemakers who have only one kind of bobbin, and they stick to their preferred 
bobbin on all projects.)

Alice in Oregon -- where summer has come, at least for a couple weeks.  
Predictions are for a long hot summer.  I may be very happy about installing a 
heat pump this spring.  PS...My one new lace student is very enthusiastic.  Her 
grandmother made lace and she's excited about learning how to do it.  

----- Original Message ----
From: Sue Duckles <>

Do all bobbins need to be the same weight?  IMHO I'd have thought not, some old 
bobbins could have buttons on them, different weight to glass beads.... or 
would one not put bone and wood bobbins together, or ones with wood beads as 
opposed to glass.  Some ebay sellers put plastic beads on....  what do others 

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