Jean Nathan wrote:
> Can those of you who are used to the kind of heat and humidity that 
> we're experiencing give any tips on making lace in this weather, ie 
> how do you stop your hand perspiring?

When I was a kid here in Michigan, hardly anyone had air conditioners.
These days, at 90+ degrees F and 70% humidity, dropping to 70 degrees and
96% humidity at night, we have two, one in each end of our long, narrow
house!  One of the nice things about the air conditioner is that it dries
the air back out (and my books, and the toilet tank, and everything else).

I have demonstrated tatting outdoors in August, and I brought alcohol
hand-wipes along.  Otherwise the thread absorbed so much moisture from the
air that I sometimes could not pull a ring closed.  Since a tatter touches
the thread around the hand, I tend to avoid powder or talc or anything that
would get on the thread.

Lynn Carpenter in SW Michigan, USA
alwen at i2k dot com

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