Hi - As a fellow "lurker," and someone who was interested in getting more
> involved with this list, I have to say that I am pretty disillusioned and
> doubt I would feel comfortable sharing my questions (might be too stupid)
> my work (might not meet someone's standards of quality). At first I was
> excited to read about the exchange - now I think I, too, will just stay in
> "lurk" mode. But to share a story -

 Years ago I made my first piece of lace. I was so proud of it! Until I took
it off the pillow and it promptly - well, twisted, I guess, is the best way
to describe it. It was awful! I had a friend who had watched me as I began
the process, figured things out on my own, worked through to the finish. As
I watched it turn to "ruin," I got very frustrated and was ready to throw it
away. My friend stopped me, took it from me, stuck it in his wallet, and
told me that one day I would make even more beautiful pieces and he will be
proud to be able to say he had the first thing I made. My firend was killed
in Desert Storm, but I've always remembered what he said - especially every
time I've tried something new and it didn't quite go right.
 Since then, I've gone on to make lace, put it aside, pick it up again, and
work to a point where I can teach others. I always try to point out the
beauty in what my students have done, especially before I point out a place
they need to fix. And if they're pleased - well, we can always fix the
problem on the next piece. I teach at our local university, and I've brought
this into those classes - always praise before you correct, and see the
beauty in everything people try to do.
 I apologize if anyone things this is too long or off topic. I just felt I
needed to say it.

Kathy Whitaker
Brooklet, GA

Date: Sat, 15 Oct 2005 08:48:43 +0200
> From: "Ank van der Leek" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: [lace] Re: Christmas card exchange
> .
> >
> > So please understand that I just expressed a preference for
> > a card with the same quality of handwork that I'm contributing.
> >
> >
> Just this remark is the reason, why I will not participate.
> Standarts, anyway by talking, are soo high!
> And though I am making (trying to) lace for years now, I would not dare to
> participate and being fired off because of the standarts here, even if
> people are telling it isn't the case.
> But regarding all answers and remarks in the years I am lurking here, I
> will
> stay where I are: lurking and learning.
> Ank
> - -

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