On Apr 9, 2009, at 3:09, Jenny Brandis wrote:

I have heard of and used magic thread when I start/end torchon lace but what is a darning magic thread? Can anyone tell me how it is different to the first or is it the same thing with a different name?

My guess -- but *a guess only * -- would be that it's the same magic thread/loop but used in a different way: to "darn" loose ends of the threads, left when the work is finished, back into the work to secure them instead of just sewing a bunch of them into the single starting point. I know that tatters use the technique and I learnt to use it -- from Sue Lambiris (an Arachnean, but an infrequent commenter) -- in wire work. Christine Springetts' little booklet (Magic Thread) mentions such use also, though I must admit that I find Springetts' explanations difficult to follow, despite excellent photos and diagrams (there are times when *both* the left and the right side of my brain go on strike)
Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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