Thank you, Malvary!
Your reply to Susan was just what I needed to read this  morning.  It 
illustrates dedication that is often missing on Arachne  (though never from 
and which is often unappreciated.  Now  that Arachne readers know Malvary 
is one of the proofreaders  of "Lace" and also does the indexing - AND makes 
lace for a Lace  Guild publication:  What can YOU do?   Many of you have  
skills that Guilds need.  
The Guilds go begging for help all the time, and that means people are  not 
volunteering.  Without volunteers, Guilds in the recent past have been  
known to "shut down".  They often need officers; I see the same people  filling 
required positions (by government, for incorporated organizations)  - 
moving from one official office to another, for YEARS.  Recently, I  read in 
"Lace" of several positions The Lace Guild needs to fill.
Several memos have left my desk about the high quality of  "Lace".  Someone 
told me there are up to 4 (lace-expert)  proofreaders who read each issue 
before it goes to press.    
Everything published about Lace (books, newsletters, press releases,  etc.) 
should have such attention.  I get goose bumps every time I  read something 
that is incorrect from an "expert" who had no editor, because  it may 
reflect negatively on Lace as a whole.  Perhaps that is  one of the reasons we 
are not taken seriously enough in the  museum world - for funds to be 
allocated to Lace exhibitions?
When a key person is sick, like the Editor of a Guild publication,  
leadership should  have a backup plan in place (perhaps a previous person  who 
the position).  This is where someone with expertise needs to be  "on 
call", just like physicians have backups.  It has to be  overwhelming to be 
obligated to a deadline or important meeting, and not be  able to participate 
to personal incapacity.
So many are not actively sharing on Arachne.  This is a  great place to get 
experience by writing (for example) that can then be  used to benefit Lace 
Guilds.  I'm begging again:  Everyone has a story  about Lace.  Every one of 
us has received a lot of volunteer  (free) help in connection with our Lace 
Please....let us hear from you.  You are the future of Lace Guilds,  and 
this is a good place to practice sharing.
Jeri Ames in Maine USA
Lace and Embroidery Resource Center  
In a message dated 10/4/2016 11:58:13 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

I must  confess that it is me who currently does the index.  I've been 
it for 2-3 years now...I also proof-read (each) issue before  printing.

Haven't finished indexing 163 yet because I'm working on a  piece of lace 
the 2018 Lace Guild Calendar...I'm also managing the  Calendar project.

I'm just pointing this out that although I live in  Canada and can't 
volunteer to help at shows etc., there are things that I  can do.  Perhaps 
you live far from the headquarters of your  national lace group you could 
find something to help with,  too.

Malvary in Ottawa 

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