
A very nice lady made some beautiful pieces of lace: little torchon mat insert in a 
metallic ring, add beads in the middle and little little bobbins at the end. It looks 
very pretty. Sometime she put a little note from the heart.  You could make them for 
Christmas and for all occasions. With a little chain you can hang them in front of 
your window (the beads shine with the sun !)

At our last meeting I didn't feel to good because my mother was in the hospital very 
sick. That lady give me one little "charm" and I guarantee it make me feel better! I 
put it in my bedrooms' window, so in the morning I know I have good friends ... for 
the bad days.

Last year, our contest was about an apron.  We had wonderful aprons some lacemakers 
will use it when they do demo or when we have our lace days outside in the summer.

Our Association will make a 25 meters of lace for our 25th anniversary in 2006. 
Everybody will be able to do a part: newbies and oldtimers ! We will use it to 
decorate our tablecloth and some other projects.

Like others (Bev), "I keep every little bit because eventually it finds a use": put on 
a little bag, or a little "sachet parfumé" (sorry I don't know the word in 
English)little bag with perfume or dry flowers inside, etc..

For the bobbin tree, I like the idea of a rack for the quilts. I always want to buy 
one but always hesitate (I don't have a lot of quilt because I always give them). Now 
I have one more raison to buy it!

We have beautiful wooden rack like the one we had some years ago for scott towel, they 
aren't easy to bring with us and take place in our suitcase.  When I have too many 
pairs I also use the back of a chair or the neck of a lamp but I have to keep the cat 
and the dog away from them... because both make a good team: the cat throw them on the 
floor and the dog run out with them.

It is very funny to read all the kind of tools we could use and as someone said, we 
are all abroad but have the same idea !

Have nice time to do lace today.

Ann Genest
St-Cyprien de Napierville - Québec

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