The 2009 Arachne Card Exchange website is almost ready for unveiling as I am waiting on just 10 more cards - Please ask your exchange partner to scan/photograph your card for the website if you have not already done so, as it would be great if we can have a full showing of the cards this year. Email the scans and details to my email address in my signature at the bottom of this email.

We have 5 ladies generously sharing their patterns and a wonderful variety of styles. There is tatting, bobbin lace and needlelace that I recognise. I am not going to try to name the types of bobbin lace.

It is wonderful that the cards this year have come with acknowledgement of who the designers are - great for people like me who want to rush out and buy the books but never get to see between the covers :-)

Jenny Brandis,
Kununurra Western Australia

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