Well, ladies, it's been both fun and educational,
but I'm not leaving to stagnate (compost ? <g>)
- I will be 'growing' in a different direction.

I'm going to lurk for awhile, weaning myself away
before I unsub, meanwhile getting over missing you . . .

"Thank you" to all who have replied to my posts,
whether it was to chastise me (learning experiences)
or support me (heart-warming !) and also to those
who may not have replied but still took the time
to read my posts 'just in case' . . .

I know I will suffer withdrawal pains !! but I am
intending to check in now and then with a few who
have become dear to me, and ask them (you know
who you are!) to remember me now and then . . .


Toni in Seattle

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