Looking on e-bay for the chinese fan handles which Jean told us about, I
found item number 400090757426, described as a 'Collection of ten 19th century
Victorian fan handles' with a buy it now of £350.

Can someone tell me what they are, please.

I know what he says they are; fan and face screen handles, and I can
believe that's what they are if he says so, but my question is, were these
detachable and you had several which you could mix and match with the top
half, or
are they sample ones or..............?

Looking on Google there are a few fans with carved handles of this sort,
but the fan leaf fits into a slot at the top.  I have been looking hard at his
photos and can't see such a slot, although it is possible to imagine it
there on a couple.  (WHY, when he wants £350, is it good enough to say "the
photos don't do it justice"  Pull your finger out, sunshine, and take better
photos with some decent close-ups.  Grrrrr.)

It just seems strange that there is this big collection of something in
apparently mint condition, but unfinished ie no screens.  Although I'd be the
first to admit I'm not a great fan fanatic, historically speaking, I know
however there are several Arachnids who are, who could perhaps enlighten me.
Are they like yours, Jean?

I also have to confess they look quite modern to me, not particularly
Victorian, but perhaps that's just because they are in apparently pristine
condition - they remind me of some of the show-off turning on 1980s bobbins
I bought because they were pretty but rarely use because they just don't
feel good as I work.

I can't help thinking that this is the sort of thing which, if it was being
sold by someone else and hadn't been arranged into a fan shape, would be
being sold as lace bobbins!  If they aren't fan handles, what are they.

Jacquie in Lincolnshire

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