Hello Diane and everyone

A lace on-line meeting could be as formal as exactly once a month, or
it could be any time someone feels moved to host, such as that they
have two or three hours where they are making lace anyway. simply
invite whosoever is on-line at the time - or give a bit of notice as
Margot and I did.  I would be reluctant to give too much notice just
because things can happen so quickly. Relatives, appointments, and,
perish the thought, computer crashes.
(or as happened to some of us, electrical outages).

You don't need to be at the computer the whole time, although it is
addicting because you want to see all the messages as they come in ;)
I would go off-line for 15 minutes and sit at the pillow which is not
near the computer. Then come back and check the messages. and answer
them. Then more would come in. I'd answer those.  And use up a half
hour LOL.

It was a most stimulating experience for lacing.

If enough people host from time to time, any time zone, then if a
person has a sleepless night, there will be a lace meeting to drop in
on ;)

On 1/31/06, Diane Z <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I so wish I could have participated -- even through my computer area is not
> a good one to make lace.  If others are willing, I would like once a month.
> Many times, there are previous committments, as last Sunday was for me.
> Just my vote.
> Diane Zierold
> Lubec, Maine

bye for now
Bev in Sooke BC (on Vancouver Island, west coast of Canada)
Cdn. floral bobbins

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