Hello Ben! I am glad you are taking up lacemaking... with your family connections I am not surprised! Thank you so much for posting this information about the site to the list. Mr. and Mrs. Hornsby meant a lot to my husband and I, not only as a lace supplier, but also as friends when we were a young couple and a long way from our own family. We would call them up many times on the spur of the moment to see if we could just stop by their house and pick up a "few" supplies. They were always very gracious to welcome us in!! Our children were treated with lollipops too. In fact, before we left to come back to the states, we made a visit to the Hornsby's and took a picture of them with our children outside their house; my children have lollipops :)

My first bobbins in 1983 were his plastic ones, my first pillow was his polystyrene 18", and at my first lace day I was the winner of a raffle prize from him...I used it to buy my first (of 4) pillow carrying bags..

I was so happy to know the business he started so long ago is still continuing. I looked at the website and right away saw the familiar logo of the circle of bobbins. I still have my plastic shopping bags imprinted with that same design!!

Please give your family our best.  I'm sure you will hear from us again!

Thanks again for sending this information...

Bud and Debbie  (in Florida now)  Mouzon

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