Hi spiders
Had no problem with this site at all.
At the top right of the page click on search site, then complete the details
asked for surname only of artist, name of picture and year range -details
for each all given in the original message click search/find and the page
comes up. They are both very beautiful paintings which I have not come
across before. The Maes is number 1281 and Keil is 824, hopew this helps.
Does anyone have links to any others I wonder?
Nicky in Suffolk

> Um... could you be more specific? I know the Maes painting, so decided
> to "go and see" the Keil one. But, when I clicked on the URL above,
> what I got was Berlinghiero's "Madonna and Child" (13th c), this being
> the first of 2290 paintings in the dept of Eropean Paintings.. And,
> when I clicked on the Maes URL (just for the heck of it), I got the
> same woeful lady, and the same sad message, even though the two URLs
> are not identical...
> Since I can't do a "search" to save my life (keyed in all the details
> into "search" and got "no object found")... Could you tell me this: if
> I go for "view 50 at a time" option, which 50 will the Keil be in?
> - -----
> Tamara P Duvall
> Lexington, Virginia,  USA
> Formerly of Warsaw, Poland
> http://lorien.emufarm.org/~tpd/

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