Hi, Sue,

Yes, I have been to Hyden in Western Australia - in 2007 when the Australian
Lace Guild had their annual AGM week of classes. It was the year Catherine
Barley came to Australia, and I went over to Perth, for the workshop she was
teaching there. (Melbourne is the other side of the country - some 2000 km
away!) A fantastic week, and then - "the icing on the cake" -  there was a
trip - for those who wished,- to the Lace Place at Hyden, and the Wave rock,
- an amazing rock formation just like a Huge wave - which, of course, I,
like many others, just had to climb, and see the view from the top!
We were treated to a special hands-on collection of lace and talk by
Rosemary Shepherd, who accompanied the group, so it was a very special
viewing of the displayed lace, and we were able to handle - with white
gloves, of course, - some extra lace that was brought out especially for us

An Unforgettable trip. It was  quite a way from Perth, but a pleasant bus
trip. We stayed overnight in 3 cottages, making do on camp beds and settees,
etc  when there were not enough 'proper' beds to go around - all great fun!


Regards from Liz in Melbourne, Oz.  where we have a warm sunny day - at

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