 Subject: Re: [lace] What is the biggest
and the hardest piece of lace  you have ever  done?

Biggest and hardest....
That's a challenge to figure out.  In square inches, the biggest completed
project must be the three yards of 6 inch edging I made... but I didn't
consider it difficult.  It was a Kortelahti pattern with mostly torchon
techniques.  (Ask me again in 3 years and I might be able to claim a 40"
square tablecloth that's in process right now.)

Hardest might be the Beds
fan.  The pattern was not really that hard.. lots of people have made it. 
However, I chose to do it in 13 color shades going from dark at the bottom to
light at the top.  It took lots of planning to lay out the color changes, and
took a set or two of bobbins in each of the colors.  When it was all prepared,
I had used 170 pairs of bobbins.  Putting in and ending all those threads
neatly made it a big challenge.  Sometimes a color was used for only 2-3
millimeters and then changed. 

I look on each pattern as a fun challenge. 
Some are a bit more challenging than others, but each has it's quirks.  And a
feeling of satisfaction when it's done.

Happy lacing,
Alice in Oregon -- on a
very stormy, windy day.

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