When I was taught to make lace I did the typical worm bandages - weeks of
making strips of plain lace in whole or half stitch in DMC30 about 4mm wide.
It was soul destroying.  
I vowed then never, ever to put another potiential
lace maker through that so I started teaching people to make lace using
Christine Springett's snake.  Once they had made one, I encouraged them to buy
the book and try out other projects in there.
If I took a 'have a go pillow'
with me to let prospective lace makers have a go and it was always a snake. 
I love this because the threads are colourful so it looks inviting, but also
if they get twisted or muddled it is easy to see this.
You can work it in
cloth / whole stitch, you can pop a twist in, you can work it in half stitch
... you also get to do a couple of sewings (for the eyes) ... what a great way
to start a lifetime's passion for lace.
And all because Christine Springett
came up with a great little pattern over 25 years ago.

Kind Regards



My chronicle of my bobbins can be found at
my website: http://thelacebee.weebly.com/

From: Janis Savage <lacem...@mweb.co.za>
To: Arachne <lace@arachne.com> 
Saturday, 31 December 2011, 22:09
Subject: Re: [lace] making lace with my
Dear Rose and spiders
I just have to join in and tell you that
I also have a 7 year old granddaughter (she will be 8 in February) who has
just become a lacemaker.
She and her little sister came to stay in early
December and I took them to a lace day with me. I did not get any of my own
lace done that day as we started a multicoloured snake and everyone made her
feel very special and admired it.
It was not finished that day but next
morning when I got up at about 6.30am, I found her already up and sitting at
the lace pillow determined to finish her snake before leaving, which she
did. <snipped>

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