Dear silent newbees

For the silent beginners among the group: Why not post the learning notes
(reccommended by Patty Dowden) on the list? Other beginners thus might learn
a lot about things they don't bother to ask or even didn't thought of. Don't
feel ashamed to warn others for your own mistakes.

To set an example the 4000-pins Torchon sampler pops up again. I'm trying to
stay ahead of my students. It appears I discover many mistakes after pulling
the pins when it is much to late to redo. It appears to be difficult to see
the lace-wood through the pin-trees.
I should really take the time to frequently examine my work, peek between
the pins if lines of the pattern are visibly at irregular spots, indicating
mistakes. I should also use a magnifier to peek at various angles to detect

It is just a coincidence I'm working the pattern with a much finer thread
than my students. But I think I wouldn't have learnt the lesson above with
the original thread, so now I can pass on this hard learnt lesson.
So that's another lesson: to level your own skils with your students, reduce
the size if possible. For that matter I also value the  recommendation of
Lucie DuFresneto (and experienced it myself) to just prick a pattern to
learn. Thus you might not need to do everything your students are doing and
still get a better understanding of what they need to do.

Jo Falkink

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