I'm a happy soul!
I've just finished a square torchon mat and it looks wonderful.
Currently I'm making a bookmark - it shouldn't take long- It's an Irene
Tomlinson design that I have made several times since 1998 (bought it at my
first NEC & tried it when I'd been making lace for 4 months.)
I'm planning to start another torchon mat next (in-laws golden wedding in
August 2004 I'm going to do Biggins/Ruthan "Jubilee")

I may be going to do a bit of tuition (not teaching) gulp!
Perhaps some of you recall my question in May about Brownie badges and lace?
My friend fom work still has the pillow,+ original "how to make lace" book +
bobbins etc. She took the newly finished mat (above)  to show her
daughter(Charlotte) who was inspired. "We're going to try this weekend . If
we get stuck could you come to help?" I said yes without thinking! It will
be wonderful to see someone having the same joy as me from those first (and
if truth be told) not very good bits of lace!
Charlotte is the rationale behind the bookmark choice. I thought it would be
nice to give her as a "prize" when she gets somewhere with the lace whether
    Failure but sticking at it and wanting to try again; or
    I've tried this Mummy and I really don't like it
(I desperately hope its not the last option)
Anyway I'll leave the bookmark with her Mum to decide when to hand it over!

Happy lacing everyone

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bev Walker" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 30, 2003 12:48 AM
Subject: [lace] summer/winter lace projects

> Hi all
> For those not going over lists and checking them twice to go to
> convention, how're things, lace-wise? Everyone cool enough (or warm enough
> or tepid enough - this is hemisphere friendly) to do lace? And what's on
> your pillow now?
> Let's fill in the time until convention reports come our way...
> I am approaching the second move of my Flanders lesson/hanky
> edge, and after the move will be able to begin the third corner. On my
> pillow dedicated to a mindless project I have now *5* inches of the 13
> required to go around the fabric points ornament.
> Such excitement. Do respond.
> -- 
> bye for now
> Bev in summery Sooke, BC (west coast of Canada)
> -
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