Dear David,

The movie Love Story starred Ryan O'Neal and Ali McGraw and was about a young woman who died. It did not have the song Sunshine On My Shoulder in it.

In 1973 there was a TV movie called Sunshine, and had the song Sunshine On My Shoulder and was about a woman dying of cancer. It was a true story and excerpted in the Los Angeles Times. 27Sunshine_on_My_Shoulders%27

The stars in the movie were:
Cliff DeYoung,
Christina Raines
Brenda Vaccaro
Meg Foster
Billy Mumy
Corey Fischer

Go to :

For further sites, type in 1973 movie Sunshine in your search engine and if you use google you will get 112,000 hits. : ) Including where to order the movie on DVD as well as the follow up movie Sunshine Christmas.

Best Regards,

Carol Melton
Valley of the Sun
Phoenix, AZ  USA

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