I can't resist sharing this story with all of you!

While I was at Lace at Sweet Briar, I was snapping away with my trusty old (key word...) Canon Powershot A-95, when all of a sudden, it just died. The LED on the back showed red and purple streaks, and if I took the picture using the viewfinder, the image looked like red and purple streaks! Not wanting to spend much time with it then, I just put the camera away. Once I got home, however, I "putzed" with it, and sure enough, I was able to get it to work again - but didn't know why or how. I shut it down and put it away. Fast forward a week or two, and a grandson came to visit... out came the camera. And on came the red and purple streaks!

So... I began to do the research. What camera would I get to replace this trusty old thing that's been like a glove in my hand for so long? And what features are important to me and which cameras have them? And what does Consumers Reports say about the cameras these days? (Hallelujah, there was a recent issue devoted to digital cameras, and it wasn't even buried deep in the "pile"!!) I took a side trip one day while out, and looked at the cameras in Best Buy (which has the largest array in our area, I think...), but was disappointed to see that they did not stock the brand I had settled on.

Still, the more I looked and the more I read, the more certain I was of the camera I wanted. I just didn't want to spend that much money (not quite $300) right now. (I'm definitely in the "point and shoot" range.) So back I went to putzing. And suddenly discovered that when those red and purple streaks come on, I could make them go away again by turning the LED screen off and then on again. (This isn't an option in the newer cameras which don't have viewfinders... and I do use my viewfinder occasionally, and like that feature! I also like the swivel LED screen, which allows me "over-the-head" shots that are perfectly framed... or even self portraits when the LED faces the front of the camera (NOT a trick I've been inclined to indulge in...).

So, armed with that knowledge, I took the camera out to a party last night, and snapped a few pictures with no incident. Arriving home (nearly midnight... unheard of for me these days!), I put the camera on the "bar" in the kitchen (higher than the counter), and went to bed. DH woke up earlier than I did when he heard the thump. Our hungry young cat had launched the camera to the floor, in an attempt (obviously successful) to get someone's attention. I was given the bad news when I woke up.

I turned the camera on. Check. I focused. Check. I shot a picture. Check. I looked at previously shot images. Check. The camera is in splendid condition, and managed to survive a 4-ft. drop to the floor and still function. So... Here I am, happy as can be that the camera still works, and sad, at the same time, that I have no justification whatsoever to get another camera - and given the treatment it got last night, this camera may last me for years and years!!

And that's what I get for doing all that research and finding such a super-duper camera to replace "Old Faithful"!!


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