On 8/5/16 5:38 PM, Liz Roberts wrote:

I think I will mix and match your "recipe" with some of
my own ideas and see what I can come up with. Thanks!

If all you want is to cover up the taste of the water,
anything goes.  (Well, lead acetate is a bad idea even
though I'm told that it tastes good.)

I haven't tried lemon balm, but mint makes better tea if you
dry it first.  On the other hand, the boiled-leaf flavor of
fresh mint has its own charms.

One thing I like to do is to put basil prunings into the
pitcher of water I keep in the fridge.  One year I acquired
a "cinnamon basil" plant, and that was particularly good.

With the extreme heat forcing me to spend a lot of attention
on switchel, I'm way behind on pruning the basil and it's
gone to seed.  On the other hand, the flowering heads are
good in ice water.  I've also put it in bottles taken to
long events; after re-filling the bottle, I give it a
vigorous shake to bruise the basil and release more flavor.

Basil flowers in a clear bottle sometimes attract admiring

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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