Moved to Chat because my response is very off-topic:  

At 07:13 PM 4/28/05 -0700, Barbara Joyce wrote:

>I really hate what the terrorists have done to us. :-(

All the terrorists did was wave blankets at us.  
We jumped over the cliff entirely on our own.   

At 06:31 AM 4/29/05 -0400, Laurie Hughes wrote:

>I just take most valuables with me on the plane in carry-on.

But then "security" will steal and destroy it on suspicion of it 
looking something like something that could conceivably be 
used as a weapon.  

Sigh.  For me, not flying in the U.S. means not flying.  
At the moment, by good luck, I don't want to go anywhere 
I can't get to by car.  (But we're starting to have "safety" check points.)

Joy Beeson, resident curmudgeon

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