Hi All,  Since it's so quiet I'll tell you about the Bucket Loader
we have in the driveway.  DH is the Facilities Manager at a 
local mental/substance abuse hospital and they got the new
Loader yesterday so he drove it home this morning!  The
manual is bolted to the seat so if he was going to read it this
weekend he had to bring the Loader home!  A loader is a 
very big road machine - they'll use it to clear the snow, clear
land and whatever else they can think of.

Anyway, my brother, his girlfriend and her 6yo son came to 
visit today.  Luckily Gareth (the son) ran right by the Loader
with his butterfly net at first so my brother got to sit in it and
play with the bucket <G>.  Then Gareth got his chance to
sit in the driver's seat and lift the bucket up and down.  Both
guys were quite thrilled to say the least!  Almost as thrilled
as DH <VBG>.  I've been shown all the cool things it does
but I haven't gotten to sit in the seat yet!  Oh dear, that means
I'll have to get up early tomorrow to sit in the seat before he
takes it back to work!

Love to you all, Jane in Vermont, USA with all the windows open!

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