Gentle Spiders,

I bet many of you were happy to be relieved of your daily doses of political/feminist news (as digested by msn) and forget that Toni (Hawryluk) ever existed... :) But I have remained in touch with her even after she's unsubscribed, and "ordered" her to let me know, once a week, that she was still alive. She obliges, every Sunday, though mostly with more msn news; she doesn't seem to think that her personal doings are of any interest to me, and I'm unable to convince her that those are the only ones that *do*, since I still read my paper in hard copy by preference.

The following article (non-political, though feminist) is, actually, quite interesting, though not as "aha" as she seems to think. I thought I'd forward it, for old times sake :)


From: "Toni Hawryluk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun Nov 30, 2003  15:03:51 US/Eastern
To: "lace_Tamara" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: AHA !!

Tamara P Duvall
Lexington, Virginia,  USA
Formerly of Warsaw, Poland

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