On BBC Radio 4 there are several ongoing daily or weekly serials of various 
sorts, and one that is being played at the moment is "Unless", Carol Shields 
final novel.  It is set in Toronto and the story teller is an author and 
translator whose daughter has decided to live on the streets.

In tonight's episode, the story teller was talking to an older author about 
their editor, who had just died.  All of a sudden the older woman says: 

"Without editors, writers are nothing but makers of lace"

Having got over my surprise, I pondered on it for a while then decided that 
maybe to a non-lacemaker this remark could be very profound, but I found it 
very dismissive of our skills and slightly insulting to lacemakers.  I think I 
know what she is trying to say, but the comparison perhaps needs to be to 
something more rapid and transient in its making.

If anyone wants to listen to it, (or any other BBC radio programme for that 
matter,) you can listen on line for up to a week after the transmission; just 
click "listen again".


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