Hi All,  In late afternoon DH called up the stairs to ask if I was doing
"kitty torture".  I said no unless he meant by making a slow cooker stew so
she's thought it was her dinner time for three hours!  I went downstairs and
saw she had something about 3/8" (1cm) wide around her middle.  I looked
closer and it was my 5" (12.5cm) embroidery hoop!  I got it over her tummy
towards her back end and started to ease it over her backside but she got
away and couldn't move well with the thing on so I finally picked her up.
DH came to help but by this time the cat was curled up like a cooked
shrimp - and yowling too!  It ended up that I held her lower so her back
feet could just touch the floor and DH slid the embroidery hoop off.  Whew!

Kitty torture is what we call play that might make her a little embarassed -
like putting scotch tape on her nose (though we never do that <G>) but never
mean or painful or humiliating!  And I'm so careful to keep dangling things
out of her way and close up plastic bags so she doesn't crawl in them.  I
really can't figure out how she
got into the embroidery hoop!  She does have cabin fever (inside
too long) so she's getting too curious.  I hope the temps. go higher
so she can go out and expend her energies outside!

Jane in Vermont, USA where I don't even want to look at the temperature.  I
didn't have to go out today so that was nice.

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