Gidday all,

<<In Australia it is definitely illegal to use a mobile in the car unless
<<you have a hands free installation, and it is enforced.   A friend

In South Africa - same law, but as someone else pointed out it is the
enforcement, and here that is not done (through lack of Police resources
mainly), so people just do what they like.  The road death toll here in one
week is the same as Australia's for a whole year apparently, and if you
drove around where I live you'd see why.  Of course some people observe the
rules, but in my experience there is generally not a lot of use of seat
belts (and cramming up to 12 people in one van or shoved in the back of a
utility), using mobile phones, speeding, a lot of unroadworthy vehicles,
very dangerous overtaking on roads in poor condition with a lot of locals
walking along the edges.  The drink-driving alcohol limit is 0.05, same as
in Australia, but when we at a restaurant or party say "oh its my turn to
drive so I'll only have light beer/soft drink thanks", we are laughed at,
because no one ever expects to get caught. In Australia we DO get caught, so
we don't dare do anything wrong.  They are very strict about everything
there and it pays off because a lot less people are killed on the roads than
say 20 years ago.

As for totally stopping at a Stop sign, if you DO the person behind you bips
his horn at you!!!!!

an Aussie living in Richards Bay, South Africa

Ian & Chelle Long
+27 35 788 0777

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