Dear Joy,

Thank you for posting your picture of the Arachne Pin! My computer had "issues" last week, and since retrieving if from the "Geek Squad", I've had to rediscover ways to get to stuff... which is thankfully there. One thing I still haven't mastered (again) is getting control of my scanner.

So, you picture of the pin is welcome!

Thanks again,  and welcome back....


On 3/21/2013 11:25 PM, Joy Beeson wrote:
Cross-posted to Chat:  pick one or the other if you reply.


I have just rejoined after finally noticing that there
hadn't been any traffic for a long time --and eventually
getting around to looking into it-- so I'm probably a little
off the wall.


The first few messages that arrived appeared to be
castigating lurkers for lurking -- I've always thought
lurking a virtue (and find it a virtue that is very
difficult to cultivate).  Imagine a list where all thousand
of us said "Me too" to every post!

Every performance needs an audience; it's a pity there is no on-line way to sit quiet and look attentive.

The situation was clarified when I read more messages, but I
still want to say that Arachne should be a place where those
who have something to say feel free to say it, and those who
have nothing to say feel free to say *that*.

We are all of us one or the other at times.


Nearly everybody has a use for a square of lint-free cotton
cloth.  Big R and other box stores sell a large assortment
of them, and I've made a lot of "furoshikis" -- 22" square
if I make them from 45" fabric, but 24" square when that can
be cut economically.  Burrito-wrapping a sock-in-progress
with its yarn and needles keeps things from getting dirty
and tangled in my bag, and keeping a furoshiki or bandanna
on my lap while waiting for something makes putting the work
away when called a quick grab-and-stuff.

I intend to iron one of the plain black furoshikis today.
The dress I want to wear on Palm Sunday is very low in the
neck -- not only is this neckline drafty, it looks
ridiculous.  A black neck scarf takes care of both problems.

In a pinch, a 24" bandanna can be tied over my ears to keep
them warm.  (My head scarves are at least a yard square.)

(Both bandanna sizes can be thought of as about a third of a
meter, and a yard is almost a meter.)


Long before 9/11, I ran a round robin (a letter forwarded
from one reader to the next, with each recipient removing
his old contribution and adding a new one:  it was how we
managed before e-mail made mailing lists possible.)  The
package nearly always failed to return if sent across a
national border.


I looked up "piccalille" and "peccadillo" in the Compact
Oxford English Dictionary.  All quotes & spelling possibly
inaccurate -- I needed both my sewing glasses and the
magnifier that came with the O.E.D. to read the entry, so
I'm not checking anything.

"Piccalille" started out meaning a cutwork edging, then
transferred to the collars and ruffs so edged, and ended up
as a stiff support for a ruff!

"Peccadillo" is a diminutive of the latin word for "sin",
and completely unrelated to "piccalille".

Me speculating:  it seems obvious that "pick" and "pike" and
"piccador" share an ancestor, since a piccador is one who
pokes with a pike.

On 3/20/13 1:04 PM, Bev Walker wrote:

Just a thought about the fast pace of technology these
days - it is possible that flash drives will be replaced
by something else within two years?

I just took a look at my Drive E, and there is a nice flat
spot on the back where one could put a decal.

And (as was later pointed out) decals can be put on anything
with a patch of smooth surface.


I will be left out of anything that requires Pay Pal.


I scanned my Arachne pin and posted the file at
It isn't very clear, but I don't think my scanner can do much better.

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