On 4/13/08 3:53 PM, Janice Blair wrote:


The name "Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy" bears
an unsettling resemblance to the name "Center for Science in the Public Interest".

She also just sent me the following websites which give more information


CNN has a better reputation than other news media, but no news medium can avoid being biased in favor of a good story; best viewed as a source of leads to follow up.


A newspaper story; same lack of reason for unquestioning belief as above. (Can you tell that when I was very young, I took part in an event that was written up in the local paper? Left me cynical, it did.)


It has a plausible name; nothing in a quick scan to alarm me; if there are signs of axe-grinding or quackpottery, they aren't up on top. But I don't *know* these people.

And here's the Platypus site: http://www.platypushydration.com/product_detail.aspx?ProdID=36 Platypus bottles are made of polypropylene (plastic #5), and they don't make your water taste weird.

Sales page.  Sounds like a good product, the personal
testimony from a friend of a friend works in their favor.
But at $7-$10/bottle, I don't think I'd throw them away at
the first sign of dirt or wear as I presently do with my
24/$2.99 bottles.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
http://www.timeswrsw.com/craig/cam/ (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where it's snowing on the daffodils

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