Hello Diana,

I have always thought what a poignant story that one in Todmorden is - we
used to live just across the border from Todmorden (our Doctor was a
Todmorden chap born and bred, but always regarded as a 'foreigner' when he
practiced in Newchurch in Rossendale, across the great divide in
Lancashire!) and first heard about the horrific story when I went to visit
the church there.  It just seemed so sad.  But I didn't realise that bobbins
were made to commemorate the event - although I can appreciate that it must
have caused quite a stir in the local neighbourhood, and the national life
of the country too.

I shall have to wait for my 'hanging bobbin' I think, but if I ever see one
at a price I can afford, I shall be there, elbowing all others out of the

Take care, and thanks for the message.


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