At 08:44 AM 7/26/05 +0100, Jean Nathan wrote:

>My immediate reaction: "Why would I want a web site?" 

The impetus for the incident described in the original post was a discussion on 
alt.sewing which required me to show the other participants pictures of the 
trousers I was designing.  

Those pictures may still be posted, for all I know.  I created a whole new 
Yahoo identity when we got a new ISP and I couldn't figure out how to change 
the address for the old identity.  But I believe Yahoo does delete mailing 
lists that go a certain number of years without activity.  

So if you don't have a digital camera or a scanner, you *don't* need a Web site.

> Our ISP gives a generous allowance 
> for a free web site, but it's not something I can ever see us doing.

Cool -- once you learn how to use FTP, it's a groovy way to back up 
non-sensitive files.  You wouldn't back up Quicken that way, but for stuff 
nobody would bother to read, calling up WS_FTP and clicking "send" is a lot 
easier than reaching for the box of floppies and taking out the one at the 
back.  My mailing program, for example, conglomerates the messages I haven't 
yet dealt with into a pair of humongous files that won't fit on a floppy, but 
they fit with room to spare into one of the otherwise-unused Web sites (we get 
eight with our Internet access).  Without the mailer to read it, said file is a 
confused mess, and if you could read it, you wouldn't learn anything I didn't 
want you to know.  Another web site holds the off-site back-ups for my works in 
progress -- after one disaster (aka "upgrade"), the only copy of my poetry I 
could find was the one on the web site.  

Joy Beeson 
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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