At 07:45 PM 9/18/05 -0700, Bev Walker wrote:

>I heard another one - this from my MIL who told me she was so tired she
>could sleep on a clothesline :p

I vaguely recall an SF story in which people *did* sleep on clotheslines.  It 
was a post-disaster story in which the characters had been on the space station 
for so many generations that they had forgotten gravity.  When sleeping, they 
clipped an ankle to a line stretched across the room so they wouldn't drift 

About half the sayings on the list struck me as Hoosier dialect.  Alas, I can't 
think of any more -- odds are that I simply don't think of them as *odd*.  

But there's a bit of advice, reputedly given to my mother by her grandmother:  
"Get married in a brown dress, and have a peg to hang it on."  

But nowadays, you can get white silk so *cheap* at Dharma . . . 

Joy Beeson (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where the creek is flowing, and it looks as though we'll get another fall of 

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