At 10:49 AM 3/27/05 -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> For information, nothing has beaten the track record of acid-free paper.

I believe the current champ is some "temporary" records written on clay that 
got baked when the palace burned down.  

We now have the technology to print out on ceramic.   People sometimes discuss 
the best way to get information into the future -- for something *really* 
important, the best way would be to press it into decorative floor tiles and 
sell zillions of copies all over the world.  (How you market them is left as an 
exercise for the reader.)  

Of course, the tricky part is deciding which information is worth that sort of 

Joy Beeson (local weather)
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.
where spring is here, the winter onions are ready (but too few to pick), 
the potatoes are planted, and I'm making space for the onions.

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