On Jan 13, 2005, at 13:02, Jeanette Fischer wrote:

Sometime back I posted a joke about scientific laws and lo and behold I got
this in my inbox tonight!!!! The message I received, follows the signature
and I have added the joke which confused the young man. He must have visited
the arachne archive for lace-chat.

Dear jeanette,
I was wandering if the Scientific Laws posted on your website real. I
was working on a little homework assignment and your site is the only i found
that have a list of scientific laws. So they sound to be not very scientific
so i was just wondering if they are. Thanks


A worried Student

<g> One wonders just how young the young man is (or do yo, in SA, use the word "student" to describe only the U level - as we do in Poland - not to describe anyone, at any school level, the way we do in US?)

It's too bad that "sense of humour" isn't a compulsory subject from, say, 3rd grade on :) But, at least, he had enough *common* sense, to question the validity of the "Scientific Laws" as posted :) And, an enterprising young man, too, trying to find a shortcut to *all* laws of science; none of the slow chipping away through Newton and Koeppel and whatever else... :)
Tamara P Duvall http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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