On Sep 23, 2005, at 8:49, Andrea Lamble wrote:

Dear Spiders, DH and I are coming to the US for a 'road trip' around the
Virginia area at the beginning of October for 18 days. We're starting
from Washington DC and travelling via Shenandoah Valley/ Blue Ridge
Mountains, across to Richmond and Williamsburg then up round Chesapeake
Bay and back to Washington. Hoping to catch lots of Autumn colours in
Shenandoah. Planning the final route this weekend. Is there anywhere that
we simply 'must' include in our itinerary?

Well, from the lace point of view, there's DC itself and the Smithsonian, with its lace collection. There are lace tours offered on every first Wednesday of the month, 10:00-noon, free and open to the public, but you have to make a reservation. Once in US, call: (202) 633-3826.

Still better, post your question on lace <g> I don't know who's currently in charge of those tours; you might be able to arrange something via e-mail before you land, but I'm almost certain that we don't have anyone who knows and is reading chat at the moment. But there are a lot of lacemakers around the DC area. Their group, The Chesapeake Region LG has a website:


I'm rather fond of Williamsburg, though lace is scarce there, since it had not been made there during the period. But there are a few lacemakers there, one of them actually working for the Williamsburg Foundation. I haven't been in direct contact with her for quite a while but I'll forward your message to her and hope she'll respond; she could certainly show you what there *is* on the site.

Don't know about Richmond. Have heard that the Valentine Museum has some lace (not on show; would have to arrange a viewing) but have never been in Richmond long enough to visit it. The Chrysler Museum in Norflok (Chesapeke Bay area) is nice, but I have no idea if they have any lace - never heard of any. There is a group in the Norfolk/VA Beach area, but how active it is I have no idea, having been out of touch with them for a long time. But I'll forward your message there, just the same, and let's hope for the best

Non-lace... I'd highly recommend visiting any caverns you happen to come accross while driving along the Blue Ridge. If, that is, you're not claustrophobic :)

Can't think of anything else. There's loads to see in VA, especially in the area you're talking about but, while 2000+ miles in 18 days is not a break-neck speed, it doesn't leave a lot of time for browsing either, so you're right - you need to nail the "can't miss" spots...

Best [EMAIL PROTECTED] from warm and dry Lexington, where both DH and I "tanked up" today, "just in case". The gas prices have dropped a wee bit since the immediate post-Katrina spike (3.09 a gallon for the highest octane) but then there's still "lovely Rita meter-maid" scheduled to land this weekend, also in the gas-producing area. Though, knocking on wood, she seems to have lost some of her punishing fury...

Tamara P Duvall                            http://t-n-lace.net/
Lexington, Virginia, USA     (Formerly of Warsaw, Poland)

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