>From Sharon   on sunny Vancouver Island

> Personally, I think their time has come to quit altogether.  There will
> always be an oppressive class sytem in Britain while the royals still
Umm, while I know there are haves and have-nots in every society, I really
don't think that description applies to Britain any more.  And I'm surprised
that the rest of the world sees us like that.

It is still considered correct to bob a curtsey to "the Royals" and give them
the correct title, but that's about it.  And if you don't want to, I guess
you just avoid the situation.  But I'd hardly call that oppressive.

Those people who think they are better than others and look down their noses,
can be found in every country, monarchy or not; they will still be there even
if the Royals are "disbanded".


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