Evening fellow Spiders

I do love it when I can tell that summer is on it's way!! We have spent all day in the garden in an attempt to tame the brambles (blackberries) that invade the far end of our garden every year. We didn't get them cut back last year due to the volume of rain! So, they were 3/4 of the way across this year.... (the garden is only 20 feet wide, but almost 300 feet long!! and the far end has fruit trees in it, and a German Oak, grown from an acorn found in the Black Forest! We have just removed the lower branches from it, as it was too low to replace the fence...

Anyway, back to today... we had just stopped for a well earned cuppa, when I looked up and saw (and heard) the first of the house martins arriving! A sure sign that the warmer weather is on it's way!!! Makes me think of hot summer days, sitting in the sunshine, lace pillow on the table, glass of wine.... not much lace done!!

Have now to scan lot's of photo's in for my MIL's relatives in Germany.... they have old ones she lost when they fled from the Russians during the 2nd world war (her dad had taken german nationality when he married her mum....)

Anyway, Summers Arriving!!

Chat soon

Sue in East Yorkshire

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