As said previously I've got 2 mobile phones.

The "brick" is on Cellnet. It was free. Calls are 50 pence per minute within
the UK, but charged by the second, so a 15 second call costs 12.5 pence. I
put GBP10.00 of call payment on it, and for the first couple of years, I had
to top it up with a minimum of GBP10.00 once every 365 days. Now it's
changed and my GBP10.00 can last as long as I want it to (even years),
provided I make one call every six months just to keep the phone live. It
works in Europe at a higher rate, but as it's not likely I'll go out of the
country (decided not to go to Denver - yes I know it's not in Europe -
because it took me two days to
acclimatise when the clocks change to summer time last weekend and I lost an
hour's sleep,
so what would I be like going back so much time to Denver?).

The new one is Vodafone. Cost GBP19.95. Calls cost 30 pence a minute, but
charged in 30p units, so it can work out dearer than the Cellnet. Again top
up is a minimum of GBP10.00 with no time limit on its use provided one call
is made very six months to keep it live.

Both sound a lot cheaper than was on offer to Tamara.

In a six month period I make about 5 calls, usually things like calling a
taxi to bring me home from the hospital after visiting the A & E department
when I fell and hit my head on the pavement, or to get an opinion on
something I've been sent out to buy by DH ("You could get that while you're
out to save me making a special journey"), when I don't really know what I'm
buying. Got no desire to fry my brain, and besides which there's very little
that's urgent enough to need to phone home, when I'll be therein an hour or

Jean in Poole

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