On 4/19/12 6:39 PM, Lyn Bailey wrote:

Sorry, all, evidently the filters take all apostrophes
and quotation marks and do weird things to them.  Here it
is without such marks.  Please let me know if there is
also a problem with question marks.  I will try to do

Weird characters are usually the result of reading text
written with one standard with a reader set for a different
standard.  (Happens most often when something is pasted into
a document that tells readers it's a different standard from
the pasted-in stuff, but lots of writing programs default to
a standard that very few reading programs can handle.  Some
use a proprietary standard that only that particular program
can read.)

Most standards in current use include plain old seven-bit
ASCII -- which doesn't even have all the characters you need
to write the American English it was created for, but there
are work-arounds:  ue for u-umlaut, co-operate for
coo"perate, and so forth.  (The latter work-around took over
when nineteenth-century typists got tired of hand-drawing
the two little dots, and is now standard even in media where
the old spelling would be easier.)

But it can be hard to persuade a "reads mail, reads news,
browses, and cleans the kitchen sink" program to write in
ASCII, and even "plain text" is apt to be written in some
private code.

Joy Beeson
http://n3f.home.comcast.net/ -- Writers' Exchange
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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