Hi, everyone!
A friend of mine at Caltech is planning to go to Europe over the summer,
but doesn't know where she should go and where she can afford going.
Since you live all over the world and probably even go to Europe for
lace events, I thought you might know. 
So she's planning to travel around Europe for I think two months, most
of the time with her brother.  They don't have much money, so are
planning to sleep in parks and eat bread.  The current plan is to fly to
London, then go to Paris, and then sort of move in the direction of
Central and Eastern Europe using trains: some German cities, Vienna,
also Amsterdam, and then Krakow (I told her about that), Budapest,
Prague, maybe Sofija, and hopefully down to Istambul, and then somehow
get back to London (probably by plane) and fly back to the US.  Or the
other way around.  But this is very tentative.  So what cities do you
think she should see, what sort of cheap transportation is there, is it
safe to sleep in parks, how hard is it to find people who speak English?
Also, she's on a wheelchair - what's the situation with curbcuts (I
think that's the word - the way sidewalks ramp down to level with the
street on corners in the US), accessible buses and trains, etc.?  

By the way, the idea of traveling around Europe sounds great.  I should
do it sometime <g>


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