I'm wondering if anyone had answered this question. I too own a new Dell
computer and wonder what I'll do about  Norton's when the subscription
expires. I'd really appreciate hearing some ideas.  On this computer I'm
using the free AVG program but it doesn't have a firewall - at least that
I'm aware of anyway.  I've got XP on the computer so maybe that is adequate

Darlene Mulholland

Technology- a love/hate relationship.
I am in need of advice on firewalls.
I use cable, windows XP with live updates and AOL.
I was using Norton 2002 for viruses with automatic updates. When my
subscription for updates expired I called Norton and they talked me into
their Internet
product which has virus protection and a firewall. The Norton person said I
needed a firewall too.
So I uninstalled Norton 2002 and installed Norton's Internet. I just saw an
article in the newspaper that said XP has a firewall. So I guess that means
did not need the firewall from Norton?? Since installing the new Norton
I am constantly receiving Trojan back door subseven warnings. Sometimes when
am working I will look at the icons in the right hand corner either one or
both of my virus protection and firewall will have spontaneously disabled, I
have to go in and enable them. All of this I find frustrating.
I do not know what to do. Is the XP firewall adequate? Should I get rid of
Nortons firewall? Should I return the Internet program and ask for the new
protection program? I do not know if the XP firewall was enabled before the
Norton firewall was added. (I did call Dell and the tech said it was-do I
believe them?) When Norton was added it would disable any other firewall.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Any help is greatly appreciated.

Debra Jenny
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Rainy and 57F

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