On 8/5/16 3:42 PM, Adele Shaak wrote:

"I'm sorry this letter is so long; I didn't have time
to make it short."  (Now I'll spend the rest of the day
wondering who I'm quoting.)


The Internet tells me the source was a letter by Blaise
Pascal in 1657. Huh. I could have sworn it was Churchill.

I'm sure Churchill said it too.

I didn't think it went back that far. But the farther back you go, the more sense it makes: writing materials are more expensive, and re-writing takes more work. David Friedman often says that even though he had more than one book in print at the time, his first experience of writing with a word processor convinced him that it was impossible to write a book without one. (I also took to word processing as a duck takes to water.)

When I was reading "The Wealth of Nations", I heartily wished several times that Smith had had a typewriter; I hadn't heard of word processors at the time.

Joy Beeson
west of Fort Wayne, Indiana, U.S.A.

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