tag 183372 pending

Hi Ross and Jens,

the Debian bug #183372 is obviously resolved by latex2html 2002-2-1 (you
possibly don't need to investigate further). I built a package which
should be uploaded to the Debian archive (sid) as soon as the licensing
issue (#204684) is resolved. You can already have a look at it (and test
:) by downloading the source and binary packages from
http://www.antcom.de/debian/ or using the following
/etc/apt/sources.list entries (it's just latex2html there and it's
signed with my [EMAIL PROTECTED] key):

deb http://www.antcom.de/debian/ ./
deb-src http://www.antcom.de/debian/ ./

Some other bugs should be addressed herewith but the majority will have
to wait until after my exam in physics this month. :)

Meanwhile, feel free to submit patches, suggestions etc. to the bug
reports. I will try to take over the maintenance of the latex2html
Debian package.


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