Until December 16th, I used latex2html under linux, distribution RedHat
5.2. And Things were OK, event with huge latex files.

On December 16th 1999, I moved to distribution RedHat 6.1.
The problem is that NOW (with the SAME latex files and the same
operations - an unchanged script) latex2html crashes:

texexpand V99.2beta5 (Revision 1.10) with the error:

ndbm store returned -1, errno 22, key "" at
/usr/src/l2h-99.2beta5/bin/latex2html line 10577.

1. Has somebody experienced the same trouble?

2. What is the meaning of errno 22 for ndbm?

3. I note that the 6.1 release has a gdbm "man page" dated may 1999,
which means its is a different release of GNU dbm. Could this be the
cause of my trouble, and is there a solution?


  Daniel Taupin, Physique des Solides, Univ. Paris-Sud, 91405 ORSAY
  E-mail= mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Tél: (33), Fax: (33), home/fax:


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