Dear list members
        I'm working on a Sun v880 using os 2.8, I've downloaded all the
other packages needed by  latex2html.  I've run the latex2html configure
process and the make process without any problems.  I then tried the 'make
test' process.  This works fine except for the Mathematical formulas.

Toward the end of the make test output i get the following messages

Converting image #2
pstoimg: Error: "/usr/local/bin/ppmquant -floyd 256 < /tmp/l2h2412/p2428/pnm
| /usr/local/pbm/bin/pnmtopng -interlace -trans '#ffffff' > img2.png"
failed: Illegal seek.

i get a similar message for image #1.

if i display the htlm page after everything looks fine except there are not
formulas on the Math page.

I've run through this process a number of times and eventually got it
working.  I had to redo the whole process,  now i can't get by the error

any help/insight would be greatly appreciated.

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