I just installed the new 99.2beta3 on two NT 4.0 (SP5) machines.
Latex2html is installed in e: partition.  When I run latex2html in
d: partition, I would get a error message saying that
\usr\local\bin\texexpand is not found

The problem, I think is that in configuration pm files, the batch files
are said to be located in
which in unix is not a problem.  But under NT, if you move to a
different partition, a file such as
does not exit on that partition.

This problem can be easily fixed by editing the l2hconfig.pm
file and add
e: to all /usr/local/bin ...
I am sure the code can be fixed quite straightforwardly, but I just
don't know anything about perl; hope that you will fixed it soon.

My l2hcfg.pm file (note that I added e: before /usr; but doing this
is not sufficient.  One has to manually change l2hconf.pm and then run
install to fix this problem.)

Both l2hcfg.pm and l2hconf.pm are attached.  It is my experience that
this problem exit for any latex file.


Wei Li
Fuqua School of Business      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Duke University               Tel: 919-660-7820
Durham, NC 27708-0120         Fax: 919-660-7971

# LaTeX2HTML l2hconf.pm
# $Id: l2hconf.pin,v 1.11 1999/10/12 04:24:15 RRM Exp $

package main;

use vars qw(%used_icons);

# Setting this variable to where your perl executable resides can lead to
# better performance on some platforms.
# It is advisable to do this on an Intel system; e.g.
# $PERL='g:/usr/bin/perl_.exe';
# On a unix system it may be best left empty, or set as in:
# $PERL='/usr/local/bin/perl';
$PERL = 'e:\Perl\bin\perl.exe';

# ############### THESE VARIABLES ARE DETERMINED BY CONFIGURE ################

#  Give the paths to latex and dvips on your system:
$LATEX = 'e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\latex.exe';        # LaTeX
$DVIPS = 'e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\dvips.exe';        # dvips

#  give these too, to use the  -ldump  feature
$TEX = "e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\tex.exe";                    # TeX
$INILATEX = "e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\initex.exe \"&latex\""; # initex+latex

# These affect whether images are made on a white or gray background.
# They are ignored when the document preamble contains similar commands.
# Use these defaults for dark solid (anti-aliased) characters in text and math.
$LOAD_LATEX_COLOR = "\\usepackage[dvips]{color}";
$LATEX_COLOR = "\\pagecolor[gray]{.7}";

# -white
# this overrides the above gray-scale for figures that don't need anti-aliasing

# -image_type
# This specifies the type of images produced by latex2html when processing
# unknown environments and/or e.g. math formulae.
@IMAGE_TYPES = qw(gif png);

# -tmp
# Specify a  tmp  directory for image-generation (optional)
$TMP = 'd:\\TEMP';

#############  HTML validation  ###############
# set $HTML_VALIDATOR to the command needed to run a validator to check
# the HTML pages produced;
# use the  -validate  switch to run the validator, or set $HTML_VALIDATE

# -validate
# when $HTML_VALIDATE is 1, the validator will run as default
# provided $HTML_VALIDATOR is also set;  -novalidate  suppresses this

##########  ICONSERVER  --- !! IMPORTANT !! ############################
# LaTeX2HTML uses many small graphics as icons within the navigation
# panels, and for other purposes.
# You *must* specify where these graphics are to be found, for use within
# your documents.
# IMPORTANT: This location must not only be accessible to you, but also
#            to the people who are to read your HTML documents.
# One option is to always use the  -local_icons switch (see below)
# to have a copy of the icons together with your HTML document.
# (This is safe, but wasteful if you have a large number of documents.)
# A better option is to set  $ICONSERVER  to point to a location that
# is known to always (at least in principle) be available publicly.
# The default value for  $ICONSERVER  given below is within the local 
# $LATEX2HTMLDIR. If this is *not* to be publicly available then you 
#  **should change the value of $ICONSERVER to a site that is**.
# You probably have to talk to your Webmaster to provide access to the
# icon directory. Some hints:
# a) It's ok to set $ICONSERVER just to "/path/to/icons.$IMAGE_TYPE" (without
#    the internet address) if /path/to is valid for your file system, *and*
#    if www_root/path/to points to the same directory. Normally the www area
#    is located in some subsidary directory, which is pointed to by www_root
#    (the entry 'Document Root' of the http daemon's srm.conf file).
#    Make the Webmaster add appropriate links in that directory that help
#    locate the icon directory, or set up an Alias in srm.conf.
# b) To check if the icons can be displayed properly, invoke the browser
#    with the *http URL to your site*, and click down to your document.
# c) If you have $LOCAL_ICONS set, your document will accumulate a pretty
#    amount of redundant icons if you make use of segmentation.
#    In this case, customize &img_tag to use a central directory, say,
#    "../icons".
$ICONSERVER = 'http://faculty.fuqua.duke.edu/~wl4/l2h/icons';


# -djgpp
# On DOS/DJGPP systems one can easily run out of file handles. To
# avoid that, set this to 1. However this affects performance.
$DJGPP = 0;

#  if you are having difficulties with inputs not being found,
#  and your system is Web2C then setting this to 1 may help.
$Web2C = 1;

# Options for dvips as determined by configure
$DVIPSOPT = ' -E';

# If you already have the fonts, you may add -M to suppress font
# generation
# $DVIPSOPT .= ' -M';

# If you have dvips 5.62 or higher, you can turn on generation of EPS files
# by uncommenting the following line. Warning: dvips does not support
# included EPS figures very well. However if you don't make use of
# complicated image include commands like \includegraphics, this option
# will speed up image generation a *lot*.
# $DVIPSOPT .= " -E";

# (Note: this here is old, don't worry unless you really run into trouble.)
# Some dvips programs generate postscript images in the reverse order by
# default. If your inlined images are all screwed up try uncommenting
# the following line:
# $DVIPSOPT .= "-r0";

# For efficient use of font resources, minimising disk-space use,
# allow GhostScript to find the fonts it needs for images.
# DO:
#   EITHER:  edit Ghostscript's  $GS_LIB/Fontmap  file
#   OR:      set the GS_FONTPATH environment variable;
#   e.g.
#  $ENV{'GS_FONTPATH'} = join(':/usr/local/texmf/fonts/type1/', '',
#       'adobe','ams','bh','bsr','lucida','mt','public/cm','public/xypic');
#   setup a virtual printer configuration file  'config.gs' 
#   and listing  'psfonts.gs'  of PostScript fonts to exclude from .ps files
#   tell dvips to use this 'virtual printer' :
#  $DVIPSOPT .= " -Pgs";

# Local initialization files are usually named  .latex2html-init
# this name is hard-coded as the default with the latex2html script
# It can be changed here, if desired:
# $INIT_FILE_NAME = '.latex2html-init';

# Location of texexpand, supplied with the translator
$TEXEXPAND = "$PERL e:\\usr\\local\\bin${dd}texexpand.bat";

# Location of pstoimg, supplied with the translator
$PSTOIMG = "$PERL e:\\usr\\local\\bin${dd}pstoimg.bat";

# This is used to "autoload" perl code to deal with specific style files

# This is used to support upcoming versions of html - directory where perl
# files to handle those are

# The following variable sets the default search list of directories for
# latex style files that latex2html should process.  It also defines a
# a list of directories (: separated) which possibly contain TeX and dvips
# inputs.  This variable is overriden by the environment variable
# TEXINPUTS, if it is specified.  Internally, the directory your document
# resides in, and ".", are appended to this list of directories.
#  IMPORTANT:  In some installations, latex and dvips are really
#  shell scripts which set environment TEXINPUTS (and other variables)
#  to predefined values, then call the real latex and dvips.  If this
#  is true for your installation, then the $TEXINPUTS that latex2html
#  sees will only affect the processing of \input and \include's
#  by latex2html, not the operation of latex and dvips when called
#  by latex2html.  In this case, make sure that the predefined
#  values of TEXINPUTS within the latex and dvips scripts at least
#  contains "." and ".." (".." works in the most cases).
#  Otherwise, latex and dvips will not find inputs from the original source
#  directory when called from a subdirectory contained therein.
# The single colon tells LaTeX to look on the standard places only.
# If you add entries, do it colon-separated.
# If you don't know where LaTeX takes its standard files from, leave the
# single colon in front or at the end, or have an empty entry "::"
# at some place among the other entries.
if ($Web2C) {
    chomp ($TEXINPUTS =
         # `kpsewhich -progname=latex -expand-braces \\\$TEXINPUTS`);
         #`kpsewhich -v -n latex \\\$TEXINPUTS`);
} else {
    $TEXINPUTS = $envkey;

# This line helps LaTeX2HTML to recognize your adaption everywhere.

# -no_fork
# If defined this will prevent the translator to crash if your operating
# system does not support forking; e.g. DOS.
$CAN_FORK = 0;

# ############################################################################
# ############################################################################

### Command Line Argument Defaults #######################################

# -ldump
# Change this to 1 if you want to speed up image processing during the 2nd
# and more runs of LaTeX2HTML on the same document.
# This will cause LaTeX2HTML to produce a LaTeX dump of images.tex which
# is read in on subsequent runs and speeds up startup time of LaTeX on the
# images.tex translation.
# This actually consumes additional time on the first run, but pays off on
# subsequent runs. The dump file will need about 1 Meg of disk space.

# -numbered_footnotes
# If defined to 1 you will get every footnote applied with a subsequent
# number, else with a hyperlink icon.

# -local_icons
# Change this to 1 if you want to copy the navigation icons to each
# document directory so that the document directory is self-contained
# and can be dropped into another server tree. Note that you can also
# use the command line option -local_icons

# -split
$MAX_SPLIT_DEPTH = 8;   # Stop making separate files at this depth

# -link 
$MAX_LINK_DEPTH = 4;    # Stop showing child nodes at this depth   

# -short_extn
# If this is set all HTML file will have extension ".htm" instead of
# ".html". This is helpful when shipping the document to PC systems.

# -nolatex
$NOLATEX = 0;           # 1 = do not pass unknown environments to Latex

# -external_images
$EXTERNAL_IMAGES = 0;   # 1 = leave the images outside the document 

# -ps_images
# 1 =  use links to external postscript images rather than inlined GIF's.

# ANTI-ALIASING within generated images
# -antialias
# 1 =  use anti-aliasing in the generation of images of figures .

# -antialias_text
# 1 =  use anti-aliasing in the generation of images of typeset material;
#      e.g. mathematics and text, e.g. in tables and {makeimage} environments.

# -font_size
# To set the point size of LaTeX-generated GIF files, uncomment the following
# variable, and set it to its desired value (i.e, 10pt, 11pt, 12pt, etc.)
# The default is to use the point size of the original LaTeX document.
# This value will be magnified by $FIGURE_SCALE_FACTOR and
# $FONT_SIZE = "12pt";

# -no_tex_defs
# To suppress the interpretation of raw TeX commands, set $TEXDEFS = 0;
# Note:  There are many variations of \def that latex2html cannot process
# correctly!

# -ascii_mode
# This is different from -no_images.
# If this is set, LaTeX2HTML will show textual tags rather than
# images, both in navigation panel and text (Eg. [Up] instead the up
# icon).
# You could use this feature to create simple text from your
# document, eg. with 'Save as... Text' from Netscape or with
# lynx -dump.
$ASCII_MODE = 0;        # 1 = do not use any icons or internal images

# -t, The document title.
$default_title = '$FILE';

# -dir
$DESTDIR = '';         # Put the result in this directory 

# -no_subdir
# When this is set, the generated HTML files will be placed in the 
# current directory. If set to 0 the default behaviour is to create (or reuse)
# another file directory.

# -address
# Supply your own string if you don't like the default <Name> <Date>
$ADDRESS = "<I>$address_data[0]</I>\n<BR><I>$address_data[1]</I>";

# -no_navigation
# 1 = do not put a navigation panel at the top of each page

# -top_navigation
# Determines whether to navigation links should be at the top or the bottom
# of each page. The default is at the top.

# -bottom_navigation
# Determines whether to navigation links should be at the top or the bottom
# of each page. The default is at the top.

# -auto_navigation
# Put navigation links at the top of each  page.  If  the page  exceeds
# $WORDS_IN_PAGE  number of words then put one at the bottom of the page.

# -index_in_navigation
# Put a link to the index page in  the  navigation  panel

# -contents_in_navigation
# Put a link to the table of contents  in  the  navigation  panel

# -next_page_in_navigation
# Put a link to the next logical page  in  the  navigation  panel

# -previous_page_in_navigation
# Put a link to the previous logical page  in  the  navigation  panel

# -prefix
# Set the output file prefix, prepended to all .html, .gif and .pl files.
# See also $AUTO_PREFIX.
$PREFIX = '';

# -auto_prefix
# To automatically insert the equivalent of "-prefix basename-", where
# "basename" is the base name of the file being translated, set this to 1.

# -up_url, -up_title, -down_url, -down_title, -prev_url, -prev_title:
# If both of the following two variables are set then the "Up" button
# of the navigation panel in the first node/page of a converted document
# will point to $EXTERNAL_UP_LINK. $EXTERNAL_UP_TITLE should be set
# to some text which describes this external link.

# Similarly you might set these variables to link external documents
# to your navigation panel.


# -info
# 0 = do not make an "About this document..." section 
$INFO = 0;

# -reuse, -no_reuse, Image recycling:
# If 0, do not reuse or recycle identical images. If the html subdirectory 
#       already exists, start the interactive session.
# If nonzero, do recycle them and switch off the interactive session.
# If 1, only recycle images generated from previous runs.
# If 2, recycle images from the current and previous runs.
$REUSE = 0;

# -no_images
# When $NO_IMAGES is set LaTeX2HTML will not attempt to produce any inlined images
# The missing images can be generated "off-line" by restarting LaTeX2HTML
# after setting $IMAGES_ONLY (see below);

# -images_only
# When $IMAGES_ONLY is set, LaTeX2HTML will only try to convert the inlined images
# in the file "images.tex" which should have been generated automatically during
# previous runs. This is very useful for correcting "bad LaTeX" in this file.

# -discard
# When $DISCARD_PS is set, the PostScript file created for each generated image
# is discarded immediately after its image has been rendered and saved in the
# required graphics format. This can lead to significant savings in disk-space,
# when there are a lot of images, since otherwise these files are not discarded 
# until the end of all processing.

# -show_section_numbers
# When this is 1, the section numbers are shown. The section numbers should 
# then match those that would have bee produced by LaTeX.
# The correct section numbers are obtained from the $FILE.aux file generated 
# by LaTeX.
# Hiding the seciton numbers encourages use of particular sections 
# as standalone documents. In this case the cross reference to a section 
# is shown using the default symbol rather than the section number.

# -short_index
# If this is set then  makeidx.perl  will construct codified names
# for the text of index references.

# -debug
#  If this is set then intermediate files are left for later inspection.
#  This includes $$_images.tex and $$_images.log created during image
#  conversion.
#  Caution: Intermediate files can be *enormous*.
$DEBUG = 0;

# -html_version
# The default HTML version to be produced
$HTML_VERSION = '3.2';

# -no_math
# By default the special MATH extensions are not used
# since they do not conform with the HTML 3.2 standard.

# -unsegment
# Use this to translate a segmented document as if it were not
# segmented.

### Other global variables ###############################################

# If this is set then the HTML will look better if viewed with Netscape.

# Set this to 1 if you want interlaced images, 0 otherwise. Interlaced
# images build up gradually while downloading so one can get a first
# impression of what the final image will look like very quickly.

# Set this to 1 if you like the old LaTeX2HTML style to have a
# border around the navigation links.
# Values > 1 are also possible.

### Colors ###
# If this is set you may set colors in your document (see the LaTeX
# package color.dvi and the color.perl/colordvi.perl files).
# Note that HTML generated herefrom cannot be viewed by all browsers
# (at least Netscape or Mosaic 2.7 should do).

# Specify the path to your systems color database if you do not agree on
# the databases provided with the translator. Eg.: /usr/lib/X11/rgb.txt

# the RGB colors database
$RGBCOLORFILE = 'e:\\usr\\local\\lib\\latex2html\\styles\\rgb.txt';

# the CMYK colors database
$CRAYOLAFILE = 'e:\\usr\\local\\lib\\latex2html\\styles\\crayola.txt';

### End Colors ###

# Do not try to translate these input files, and do not
# complain about a missing Perl module.
# Complex LaTeX inputs, styles, or classes may cause the translator
# to hang. If this occurs add the input file here.
# You may also specify filename extensions here, e.g. if you do
# not want to include input files matching "*.myfig", add
# ``:.myfig''.
$DONT_INCLUDE = "2up:psfig:epsf:texinfo:pictex:" .
    ".ps:.eps:.fig:.epsf:.epic:.eepic:.xy:.xya:.xyc:" .
    "titlepage:openbib:\\d+pt:twoside:twocolumn:" .
    "memo:dvipsfig:times:margins:aaii2:a4:art\\d+:doublespace:" .
    "alltt:amstex:anysize:array:article:bm:book:bookman:" .
    "boxedminipage:cite:comment:courier:dcolumn:doc:eepic:" .
    "enumerate:epic:fleqn:float:floatflt:fullpage:index:" .
    "inputenc:isolatin1:leqno:letter:llncs:makeidx:" .
    "multicol:psfig:report:shadow:shapepar:showidx:" .

# Latex2html usually does not include style files provided by
# \documentstyle, \documentclass, \usepackage but tries to use the 
# corresponding *.perl files provided in the styles/ subdirectory.
# Now if you use home-brew style files with new environments/commands
# you may want to include them. E.g. if you want to include "mystyle.sty",
# say $DO_INCLUDE = "mystyle" here. Separate styles with colons. This
# setting overrides the settings in $DONT_INCLUDE. You may specify
# filename extensions here as well.
# $DO_INCLUDE = "";

# If you have equations in your text, and must use bitmap'd fonts with 
# an old (pre 4.02) version of Ghostscript...
#  (RRM: ignore all the following with later versions)
#    ... you'll get the best results with PK_GENERATION=1.
# With this option switched on, DVIPS will be told to generate
# all of the images for a specific screen resolution,
# eliminating "blurring" of small letters and subscripts.
# If any of it causes you grief, simply set PK_GENERATION=0,
# and your default printer's resolution will be used.
# Sidik Isani, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added this.
$PK_GENERATION = 0; # 0 # by configure

#    ... and set the following variable ONLY if your version of dvips
#  understands the "-mode" command line switch.  It is a more reliable
#  way of setting the METAfont mode than the .dvipsrc file on versions that
#  support this switch. If you do this, you do not need to modify .dvipsrc
#  as described below. Herb Swan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> added this.

# Only if you have PK_GENERATION set to 1:
# A file 'modes.mf' is probably installed somewhere in your tex
# tree. e.g /usr/local/tex/texmf/mf/modes.mf or something similar.
# If it has and entry for 'toshiba', then you can ignore the rest.
# Otherwise, you'll need to try *one* of the following things:
#  o Set PK_GENERATION=0 and generate images for your default printer
#  o Download the latest modes.mf from the TeX archive and re-run inimf.
#  o Choose another LOW RESOLUTION screen or printer entry from modes.mf,
#    (preferably with "|blacker|" set to 0.0 and a 1:1 aspect ratio--
#     If you don't have "toshiba", try "epsonlq", "lqlores", "nec", or "NEC")
#     If you try some other mode, remember to update two other things as well:
#      1) Change the 'toshiba' in the .dvipsrc file that came with latex2html.
#      2) Put whatever the |pixels_per_inch| value is into $METAFONT_DPI
#         and the .dvipsrc file
#   Note: The maximum usable SCALE_FACTOR is determined by this resolution.
#   A higher resolution will take more memory during processing (regardless
#   of SCALE_FACTOR) but will allow higher SCALE_FACTORs.  Do NOT just
#   change this value though.  It *must* match the |pixels_per_inch| of
#   the metafont mode (e.g. `toshiba').

# Controls which markup shows up between page and its foot.
$CHILDLINE = "<BR><HR>\n";

# If this is set as below, LaTeX2HTML produces a directory index link to
# the html document, ie. you may use <http://my.cite.is.here/dir/of/document>
# instead of <http://my.cite.is.here/dir/of/document/document.html>.
# Set it to eg. 'node1' to have the index pointing to node1.html, etc.
# Comment it out to have no index generation.
# Note: $EXTN is ".html" by default, see -short_extn.

# Uses this one to determine the name of the directory index.
$LINKNAME = '"index$EXTN"';

# This is the line width measured in pixels and it is used to right justify
# equations and equation arrays; 
$LINE_WIDTH = 500;

# Used in conjunction with AUTO_NAVIGATION

# Affects ONLY the way accents are processed 
$default_language = 'english';  

# The value of this variable determines how many words to use in each 
# title that is added to the navigation panel (see below)

# This number will determine the size of the equations, special characters,
# and anything which will be converted into an inlined image
# *except* "image generating environments" such as "figure", "table" 
# or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.

# This number, when defined, determines extra scaling for displayed equations.
# It multiplies with the $MATH_SCALE_FACTOR to give the total scaling.
# It is especially useful when \scriptscriptstyle text is used frequently,
# which would otherwise be extremely difficult to read on-screen.

# This number will determine the size of 
# image generating environments such as "figure", "table" or "minipage".
# Effective values are those greater than 0.
# Sensible values are between 0.1 - 4.

# This is yet another scaling factor which has a special use.
# When this number is set, images are created at a size scaled by the
# specified amount (multiplying any other scale factors).
# However the images are displayed unscaled, by setting the
#  HEIGHT="..."  and  WIDTH="..." attributes to the unscaled size.
# Thus a larger image is squeezed into a smaller area.
# This allows for better quality when the HTML page is printed.
#  {figure}  environments are *not* affected by this factor.

# If this is set to 0 then any inlined images generated from "figure" 
# environments will NOT be transparent.

# Set the default body text, inserted between <BODY> ... </BODY>.
# See also \bodytext{..} provided with html.sty.

# Valid paper sizes are "letter", "legal", "note" and ...
#   "a0", ... "a10", "b0", ... "b5";  
# Recommended:  "a5"
# Paper sizes has no effect other than with images that
# need special alignment; 
# e.g for equation-numbering with HTML, version 2.0
#  - larger paper sizes *MAY* help with large image problems 
#  - smaller paper sizes *MAY* be quicker to handle on some systems
$PAPERSIZE = "a5";

### Internationalization ######################################################
# Default values used by do_cmd_tableofcontents and others.
# Change them to suit your documents

sub english_titles {
    $toc_title = "Contents";
    $lof_title = "List of Figures";
    $lot_title = "List of Tables";
    $idx_title = "Index";
    $ref_title = "References";
    $bib_title = "Bibliography";
    $abs_title = "Abstract";
    $app_title = "Appendix";
    $pre_title = "Preface";
    $foot_title = "Footnotes";
    $thm_title = "Theorem";
    $fig_name = "Figure";
    $tab_name = "Table";
    $prf_name = "Proof";
    $date_name = "Date";
    $page_name = "Page";
  #  Sectioning-level titles
    $part_name = "Part";
    $chapter_name = "Chapter";
    $section_name = "Section";
    $subsection_name = "Subsection";
    $subsubsection_name = "Subsubsection";
    $paragraph_name = "Paragraph";
  #  Misc. strings
    $child_name = "Subsections";
    $info_title = "About this document ...";
    $also_name = "see also";
    $see_name = "see";
  #  names in navigation panels
    $next_name = "Next";
    $up_name = "Up";
    $prev_name = "Previous";
    $group_name = "Group";
  #  mail fields
    $encl_name = "encl";
    $headto_name = "To";
    $cc_name = "cc";

    @Month = ('', 'January', 'February', 'March', 'April', 'May',
              'June', 'July', 'August', 'September', 'October',
              'November', 'December');
# These words will be omitted from filenames derived
# from section-titles, when using  -long_titles
    $GENERIC_WORDS = "and|the|of|for|by|a|an|to";

# These words will be omitted from filenames derived
# from section-titles, when using  -long_titles
# Override this value within a  <language>_titles  subroutine.
$GENERIC_WORDS = "and|the|of|for|by|a|an|to";

# Replace "english" with another language provided
# titles for that language are defined, as above...
# (Make sure that you don't use a different default in your personal 
#  configuration file)
$TITLES_LANGUAGE = "english";

# ... or use titles in a different language by adding a new subroutine 
# eg for esperanto:
#   sub esperanto_titles {
#       $toc_title = 'Esperanto title';
#       etc...
#   }
# and then say 
# $TITLES_LANGUAGE = "esperanto";
# Note:  This is automatically done for you when use the german or
#       french style file, and for several other languages also,
#       or when you specify the language through the babel package.

### Verbosity #################################################################
# -verbosity
# The amount of message information printed to the screen during processing
# by LaTeX2HTML is controlled by the $VERBOSITY variable.
# Its value can also be set using the  -verbosity <num>  command-line switch.
# By increasing this value, more information is displayed.
# Here is the type of extra information that is shown at each level:
# $VERBOSITY = 0;       # no extra information
# $VERBOSITY = 1;       # section types and titles
# $VERBOSITY = 2;       # environment
# $VERBOSITY = 3;       # command names
# $VERBOSITY = 4;       # links, labels and internal sectioning codes

### Navigation Panel ##########################################################
# The navigation panel is constructed out of buttons and section titles.
# These can be configured in any combination with arbitrary text and 
# HTML tags interspersed between them. 
# The buttons available are:
# $PREVIOUS - points to the previous section
# $UP  - points up to the "parent" section
# $NEXT - points to the next section
# $NEXT_GROUP - points to the next "group" section
# $PREVIOUS_GROUP - points to the previous "group" section
# $CONTENTS - points to the contents page if there is one
# $INDEX - points to the index page if there is one
# If the corresponding section exists the button will contain an
# active link to that section. If the corresponding section does
# not exist the button will be inactive.
# Also for each of the $PREVIOUS $UP $NEXT $NEXT_GROUP and $PREVIOUS_GROUP
# buttons there are equivalent $PREVIOUS_TITLE, $UP_TITLE, etc variables
# which contain the titles of their corresponding sections. 
# Each title is empty if there is no corresponding section.
# The subroutine below constructs the navigation panel in each page.
# Feel free to mix and match buttons, titles, your own text, your logos,
# and arbitrary HTML (the "." is the Perl concatenation operator).
#JKR: Use two panels (top and bot) instead of one.
# This is the default form of the navigation panel:

sub navigation_panel {
    "<!--Navigation Panel-->"

    # Now add a few buttons with a space between them

    . "\n<BR>"          # Line break

    # If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
    . ($NEXT_TITLE ? "\n<B> $next_name:</B> $NEXT_TITLE" : undef)

    # Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
    . ($UP_TITLE ? "\n<B> $up_name:</B> $UP_TITLE" : undef)

    # ... and the ``previous'' title
    . ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "\n<B> $prev_name:</B> $PREVIOUS_TITLE" : undef)

    # ... and the ``contents'' title
    . ($CONTENTS_LINK ? "\n &nbsp <B> $CONTENTS_LINK</B> " : undef)

    # ... and the ``index'' title
    . ($INDEX_LINK ? "\n &nbsp <B> $INDEX_LINK</B> " : undef)

    # These <BR>s separate it from the text body.
    . "\n<BR><BR>"

# This can be redefined in an initialization file:
 if (!(defined &main::top_navigation_panel)) {
    eval "sub top_navigation_panel { \&navigation_panel(\@_) }"
 } else {
    print "\n *** top_navigation_panel subroutine already defined\n"

sub bot_navigation_panel {

    #  Start with a horizontal rule (3-d dividing line)
    "<HR>\n" . "<!--Navigation Panel-->"

    # Now add a few buttons with a space between them

    . "\n<BR>"          # Line break

    # If ``next'' section exists, add its title to the navigation panel
    . ($NEXT_TITLE ? "\n<B> $next_name:</B> $NEXT_TITLE" : undef)

    # Similarly with the ``up'' title ...
    . ($UP_TITLE ? "\n<B> $up_name:</B> $UP_TITLE" : undef)

    # ... and the ``previous'' title
    . ($PREVIOUS_TITLE ? "\n<B> $prev_name:</B> $PREVIOUS_TITLE" : undef)

    # ... and the ``contents'' title
    . ($CONTENTS_LINK ? "\n &nbsp <B> $CONTENTS_LINK</B> " : undef)

    # ... and the ``index'' title
    . ($INDEX_LINK ? "\n &nbsp <B> $INDEX_LINK</B> " : undef)

### Meta Information #####################################################
# This information will be inserted in the HEAD of the generated
# HTML file. It can be used by automatic indexing scripts (eg
# site-index.pl at http://www.ai.mit.edu/tools/site-index.html) 
# You can change the description, keywords, etc. values.
sub meta_information {
    local($_) = @_;
    # Cannot have nested HTML tags...
    do { s/<[^>]*>//g;
        "<META NAME=\"description\" CONTENT=\"$_\">\n" .
        "<META NAME=\"keywords\" CONTENT=\"$FILE\">\n" .
        "<META NAME=\"resource-type\" CONTENT=\"document\">\n" .
        "<META NAME=\"distribution\" CONTENT=\"global\">\n"
    } if $_;

### Icons ################################################################

# Icon names and real icon files. 

%icons = (
 'cross_ref_visible_mark' ,"crossref.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'anchor_mark' , '', # ,'&#160;',
 'anchor_invisible_mark' , '', # ,'&#160;', 
 'up_visible_mark' ,"up.$IMAGE_TYPE", 
 'next_visible_mark' ,"nx_grp.$IMAGE_TYPE", 
 'previous_visible_mark' ,"pv_grp.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'next_page_visible_mark' ,"next.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'previous_page_visible_mark' ,"prev.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'contents_visible_mark' ,"contents.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'index_visible_mark' ,"index.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 # 'image_visible_mark' ,"image.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'footnote_mark' ,"footnote.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'up_inactive_visible_mark' ,"up_g.$IMAGE_TYPE", 
 'next_inactive_visible_mark' ,"nx_grp_g.$IMAGE_TYPE", 
 'previous_inactive_visible_mark' ,"pv_grp_g.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'next_page_inactive_visible_mark' ,"next_g.$IMAGE_TYPE",
 'previous_page_inactive_visible_mark' ,"prev_g.$IMAGE_TYPE",

%iconsizes =
  'up' ,'WIDTH="26" HEIGHT="24"',
  'next','WIDTH="37" HEIGHT="24"',
  'previous','WIDTH="63" HEIGHT="24"',
  'next_group' ,'WIDTH="81" HEIGHT="24"',
  'next_inactive' ,'WIDTH="81" HEIGHT="24"',
  'previous_group','WIDTH="107" HEIGHT="24"',
  'change_begin','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24"',
  'change_begin_right','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="RIGHT"',
  'change_end','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24"',
  'change_end_right','WIDTH="104" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="RIGHT"',
  'change_delete','WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="24"',
  'change_delete_right','WIDTH="109" HEIGHT="24" ALIGN="RIGHT"',
  'contents','WIDTH="65" HEIGHT="24"',
  'index','WIDTH="43" HEIGHT="24"',
  'image','WIDTH="48" HEIGHT="24"'

$extern_image_mark = &extern_image_mark();

sub extern_image_mark {
    "[IMAGE $_[0]]";

sub img_tag {
    local($iconmark) = @_;
    local($icon) = $icons{$iconmark};
    local($align) = " ALIGN=\"BOTTOM\" ";

    $alt = join ('|', "up", "next_group", "next_inactive", "previous_group"
                , "next", "previous", "change_begin_right", "change_begin"
                , "change_end_right", "change_end", "change_delete_right"
                , "change_delete", "contents", "index");

    if ($icon =~ /(gif|png)$/) {
        $used_icons{$icon} = 1;
        if ($iconmark =~ /change_(begin|end|delete)_right/) { $align = ' ' };
        local($nav_border) = "\"$NAV_BORDER\"";
        if ($iconmark =~ /($alt)/) {
            $pre = "\n";
            $alt = $1;
        else {
            $pre = "";
            $nav_border = '"1"';
            $alt = '[*]';

        if ($LOCAL_ICONS) {
            return join('', $pre ,'<IMG ', $iconsizes{$alt} || '', $align
                        ,'BORDER=', $nav_border, ' ALT="', $alt
                        ,'" SRC="', $icon, '">' );
        else {
            return join('', $pre ,'<IMG ', $iconsizes{$alt} || '', $align
                        ,'BORDER=', $nav_border, ' ALT="', $alt, "\"\n"
                        ,' SRC="', $ICONSERVER, "/$icon", '">' );
    else {
        return $icon;

sub inactive_img { 
    # Replaces an image name xxx.gif with xxx_gr.gif
    # It is assumed that _gr images contain the equivalent inactive icons
    local($_) = @_;

### ASCII Mode ###########################################################

# This subroutine defines the ascii strings to be used instead of the 
# icons when the translator is invoked with the -ascii_mode option.
# Please modify them if you do not like them, BUT 
# *** DO NOT USE THE SPACE CHARACTER (" ") FOR $anchor_invisible_mark ***
# (if you use " " then the cross-reference hyperlinks will not work).
# --- this depends on the browser. From HTML 3.2, a space works OK now.

sub ascii_mode {
        $cross_ref_visible_mark = "[*]";
        $anchor_mark = "&#160;";        
        $anchor_invisible_mark = "&#160;"; 
        $up_visible_mark = "[$up_name]"; 
        $next_visible_mark = "[$next_name $group_name]"; 
        $previous_visible_mark = "[$prev_name $group_name]";
        $next_page_visible_mark ="[$next_name]";
        $previous_page_visible_mark ="[$prev_name]";
        $up_inactive_visible_mark  = "[$up_name]"; 
        $next_inactive_visible_mark = "[$next_name $group_name]"; 
        $previous_inactive_visible_mark = "[$prev_name $group_name]";
        $next_page_inactive_visible_mark ="[$next_name]";
        $previous_page_inactive_visible_mark ="[$prev_name]";
        $contents_visible_mark = "[$toc_title]";
        $index_visible_mark = "[$idx_title]";
        $footnote_mark = "[+]";
        $extern_image_mark = &extern_image_mark;
        $EXTERNAL_IMAGES = 1;

### Adding commands to be ignored ########################################

# Add LaTeX commands to be ignored.
# Each command should be on a separate line and have the format:
#  <cmd_name>#{}# []# {}# [] etc. 
# {} marks a compulsory argument and [] an  optional one.
# Note that some commands may have arguments which should be left as
# text even though the command should be ignored (e.g. mbox, center, etc)
&::ignore_commands( <<_IGNORED_CMDS_);
htmlrule # [] # \$_ = join('',"<BR><HR>",\$_) 
mathversion # {} 
underline # {} # \$_ = join('',"<U>", \$2, "</U>", \$_)
centerline # {} # \$_ = join('',"<P ALIGN=CENTER>", \$2, "</P>", \$_)
latexhtml# {}
latex# {}
lrule # {} 
savebox# {}# []# [] 

### Adding commands to be processed by TeX ###############################

# Commands which need to be passed, ALONG WITH THEIR ARGUMENTS, to TeX.
# The syntax is the same as that for ignore_commands above.

&::process_commands_in_tex (<<_RAW_ARG_CMDS_);
fbox # {}
framebox # [] # [] # {}
1;      # This must be the last line

# LaTeX2HTML site specific configuration file
# generated by config.pl

# You may edit this file to get around deficiencies of the configuration
# procedure, but you have to be sure of what you are doing!
# If you think there are bugs in the configuration procedure, please report
# them. See the BUGS file on how to do it. Your help is appreciated!

package l2hcfg;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
@EXPORT = qw(%cfg);

$cfg{'BINDIR'} = q'e:\\usr\\local\\bin';
$cfg{'CRAYOLAFILE'} = q'e:\\usr\\local\\lib\\latex2html\\styles\\crayola.txt';
$cfg{'DVIPS'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\dvips.exe';
$cfg{'DVIPSOPT'} = q' -E';
$cfg{'GS'} = q'e:\\local\\gstools\\gs5.50\\gswin32c.exe';
$cfg{'GSALIASDEVICE'} = q'ppmraw';
$cfg{'GSDEVICE'} = q'pnmraw';
$cfg{'GSLANDSCAPE'} = q'';
$cfg{'GS_LIB'} = q'';
$cfg{'HASHBANG'} = q'0';
$cfg{'HTML_VALIDATOR'} = q'';
$cfg{'ICONPATH'} = q'file:////usr/local/lib/latex2html/icons';
$cfg{'ICONSTORAGE'} = q'';
$cfg{'IMAGE_TYPES'} = q'png gif';
$cfg{'INITEX'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\initex.exe';
$cfg{'KPSEWHICH'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\kpsewhich.exe';
$cfg{'LATEX'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\latex.exe';
$cfg{'LATEX2HTMLDIR'} = q'E:\\usr\\local\\lib\\latex2html';
$cfg{'LIBDIR'} = q'e:\\usr\\local\\lib\\latex2html';
$cfg{'METADPI'} = q'0';
$cfg{'METAMODE'} = q'';
$cfg{'NULLFILE'} = q'nul:';
$cfg{'PBMMAKE'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\pbmmake.exe';
$cfg{'PERL'} = q'e:\\Perl\\bin\\perl.exe';
$cfg{'PERLFOOTER'} = <<'EOQ';
$cfg{'PERLHEADER'} = <<'EOQ';
@rem = '--*-Perl-*--
@echo off
set arg=
set prog=%0
if "%1"=="" goto two
set arg=%arg% %1
goto one
if exist %prog%.bat goto indot
e:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -x -S %prog% %arg%
goto endofperl
e:\Perl\bin\perl.exe -x %prog%.bat %arg%
set arg=
set prog=
goto endofperl
@rem ';
#! perl -w
# line 21
$cfg{'PERLSCRIPTDIR'} = q'e:\\Perl\\bin';
$cfg{'PK_GENERATION'} = q'0';
$cfg{'PNMCAT'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\pnmcat.exe';
$cfg{'PNMCROP'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\pnmcrop.exe';
$cfg{'PNMFILE'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\pnmfile.exe';
$cfg{'PNMFLIP'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\pnmflip.exe';
$cfg{'PNMTOPNG'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\pnmtopng.exe';
$cfg{'PPMQUANT'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\ppmquant.exe';
$cfg{'PPMTOGIF'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\netpbm\\miktex\\bin\\ppmtogif.exe';
$cfg{'PREFIX'} = q'e:\\usr\\local';
$cfg{'RGBCOLORFILE'} = q'e:\\usr\\local\\lib\\latex2html\\styles\\rgb.txt';
$cfg{'TEX'} = q'e:\\local\\tex\\fptex\\bin\\win32\\tex.exe';
$cfg{'TEXPATH'} = q'/local/tex/localtexmf/tex/generic\\latex2html';
$cfg{'TMPSPACE'} = q'd:\\TEMP';
$cfg{'WEB2C'} = q'1';
$cfg{'dd'} = q'\\';
$cfg{'distver'} = q'99.2beta3';
$cfg{'exec_extension'} = q'.bat';
$cfg{'gif_interlace'} = q'netpbm';
$cfg{'gif_trans'} = q'netpbm';
$cfg{'have_dvipsmode'} = q'';
$cfg{'have_geometry'} = q'1';
$cfg{'have_images'} = q'1';
$cfg{'have_pstoimg'} = q'1';
$cfg{'perl_starter'} = q'e:\\Perl\\bin\\perl.exe -x';
$cfg{'pipes'} = q'0';
$cfg{'plat'} = q'win32';
$cfg{'scriptdir'} = q'e:\\usr\\local\\bin';
$cfg{'scriptext'} = q'.bat';
$cfg{'srcdir'} = q'E:\\local\\tex\\l2h\\latex2html-99.2beta3';
$cfg{'texlive'} = q'0';
$cfg{'wrapper'} = q'0';

1; # must be last line

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