This is a design issue that I have run into many times and I was
wondering how you all solve it. When using complex data structures
(such as array of clusters, or clusters containg arrays and/or other
clusters), I have found that there are many situations where you need
to wire either an "empty" stucture or the type of the structure as an
input. For example, when building up the data structure, I often use
shift registers, and need an empty data structure to initialize the
shift register. Also when bundling a cluster by name you need the type
of the cluster. My question is - what do you use in these situations?
Of course, I always typedef my complex structures, and I know that
there is a default value for them, because other language features
depend on there being a default. Is there anyway to get the default
value for a typedef? Not seeing one, I have taken to creating a Global
or Dummy VI for each typedef that returns a default data structure,
which is what I use in all these situations. What other approaches
have you seen?

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