Re: Error in NI's 'Threshold 1-D array'?

2004-06-07 Thread NIBOUND
The signal is a simple 60hz sine wave. It is connected to a machine that can be hooked up to induction motors and transformers and allows us to look at how those effect the input signals. This is for a power labratory at a university. The signals can get noisey but I would not know how character

Re: Aquiring phase of a noisey voltage channel from a noisy reference voltage channel

2004-05-19 Thread NIBOUND
Any chance I can have that VI in LV7.0? Thanks

find phase of channel from reference channel

2004-04-24 Thread NIBOUND
Okay, Lets say I have two active channels that I am using from my DAQ board. They are both 60hz signals. I call one my reference channel and from it I want to determine the phase of the other channel based on the reference. I imagine I could figure this out using background knowledge, but is the

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I look around a lot to see if I can answer questions but I havent found any yet that I have half of a clue how to answer. I have only been using LabVIEW since Feb. Thanks for everything.

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
What are the chances that 9 different forms wont have any problems with synchronicity? Should I jsut make different time delays in the loops or something?

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
Its not a problem that 3 different VIs are reading from the same non-reentrant VI and one is writing to it all at the same time? That wont cause any weird issues?

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
He deserves like 100 stars, I didnt realize I forgot to do it on this post. Thanx

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
This happens when I drag my event loop VIs and occurence loop VIs around in the same way. On my occurence loops they are all set to 500 ms for timeout times. Its weird the faster I move these forms around the screen the more of my processor they use.

Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
In my VI I am developing I have multiple data sources that output a single waveform. I group these waveforms togeather to make a wave form array. The user selects which waveform they would like to display and they are displayed on a graph on a different form. Right now I have each different grap

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
Okay, I have fixxed the bogging my computer down problem. As it turnout I didnt have delays in my 8 plot VIs, I knew I had to have a delay i just threw those togeather real fast not thinking. One thing left that I have noticed that spikes my CPU usage to 100% is moving any of the front panels aro

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I am about to stop working for tonite about maybe the weekend (I am burning out) but even when I dont do any signal generation just having the 8 graphs open at a time bogs my computer down.I will make sure I have at least 100ms delay in each loop. Most of my loops are event driven loops, occurence

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
When I aquire the data from the DAQ card will I be forced to 16 waveform data types. I have tried to simulate this by using the ExpressVI signal generator and creating 16 of them and packing them in an array slows my computer down amazingly. Is there less overhead when it is a DAQ assistant VI or

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I can guess how you used the occurrences. Is there a reason you choose to use occurences of Notifiers, I have read that it is recommended that one uses Notifiers over occurences.

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I guess my only question is, with this global function it will simply be a VI that is not reentrant that I will stick on every plot and the main form. Correct? Also for the real program I will be aquiring data from an external system which will continuously be sending data to LabVIEW. So I would

Re: Best way to pass an array of waveforms inbetween VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
just for the record. you rule!

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I fixed the focus problem by changed the window property to floating. The only problem I have left (I have made several changes since the version you looked at) is that when I change the comboboxes it stalls the graphs. Would occurences fix this?

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
That is what I thought you were refering to. Which should bring me to my final question. I finally have a fully working model using almost the exact method you perscribed. My last question lies in transporting the data to the plots. Right now I have a re-entrant VI that has 6 simulated signal s

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
You have mentioned Global Function multiple times, what are you refering too? I have not seen anything refered to as that.

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I can see why you used occurances and agree that I think they will solve my remaining problems. How do you get the refrum of an occurance on another form and why do you put them in a shift register?

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
I actually got mine working with out using occurances. What benefits would I get by using them? As of right now as can be observed in my code, I just having everything in a while loop. I imagine this is as ineffiecent as possible due to constant polling. Is this what occurances would eliminate.

Combobox pausing operation of other VIs

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
Okay, I have a main VI which contains two paralell while loops. The first of which has 3 subVIs which contain a graph that upon user request get opened. Note the main VI does not pass any data to the subVIs. The other loop is what takes care of user events like a button being pressed and these c

Re: Multiple Plots In Seperate Windows

2004-04-08 Thread NIBOUND
Thanks thats really similar to what I am doing its just that my main form sends data which is causing the flashing. This design is a great idea. Thanks a MILLION for your help and time!

Re: Multiple Front Panels of a single VI.

2004-03-30 Thread NIBOUND
I am struggling with this exact same problem of trying to show multiple graphs in different windows. Does anyone have any examples of how they got this to work?

Re: Multiple Front Panels of a single VI.

2004-03-30 Thread NIBOUND
I am stuggling with this same issue you posed a solution to, do you have an example of how you got this to work or where to get one?

Re: Programmatically Raising a Mousedown or key down event

2004-03-30 Thread NIBOUND
This still does not generate an event. It changes the value of the listbox but does not do it using the code inside the event case structure.

Re: Programmatically Raising a Mousedown or key down event

2004-03-25 Thread NIBOUND
I mean programmatically raise this event. I know that if I actually click on this list box that this event will be raised, but lets say I want the event to be raised first thing when the front panel is ran? Or at any other time I want? How would this be done?

Programmatically Raising a Mousedown or key down event

2004-03-25 Thread NIBOUND
How can I raise an event pretaining to a listbox such as mousedown or keydown in LabVIEW 7? I read that something like this is possible but I am struggling to find an example

Re: Generalize a search of an array of a cluster

2004-03-24 Thread NIBOUND
perfect thank you very much

Re: Generalize a search of an array of a cluster

2004-03-24 Thread NIBOUND
This is great, this will definatly help, but I do have 2 different arrays of clusters than this will not work as well. Anyone know a way todo this even more generally? Possible by using variants as you Randall suggested?

Re: Repeatedly Launching Reentrant Front Panel

2004-03-22 Thread NIBOUND
Would you happen to have or know where i can find any examples of this would you?

Re: Repeatedly Launching Reentrant Front Panel

2004-03-22 Thread NIBOUND
In method #2, will it be possible to pass different streams of data to each VI and have them all aquiring data from their respective sources simultaneously?

Repeatedly Launching Reentrant Front Panel

2004-03-21 Thread NIBOUND
This may be a stretch here, just to warn everyone ahead of time. Lets say I have a reentrant subVI that is a graph. You pass it data and on its seperate front panel it dynamically displays aquired data. Now I assume that if I want to be able to view 4 of these graphs in seperate windows at the sam

Re: How is it best to develope a multiple window (front panel) application in LabVIEW?

2004-03-21 Thread NIBOUND
To access the FrontPanel.On method do I just fire an event or something? Or is there a specific way todo this that Im missing?

Re: How is it best to develope a multiple window (front panel) application in LabVIEW?

2004-03-21 Thread NIBOUND
Thank you again for your help I am going to work on your new suggestions. I was saying I wanted to have all windows opening and functioning at the same time which is not possible with you implemenation.

Re: How is it best to develope a multiple window (front panel) application in LabVIEW?

2004-03-21 Thread NIBOUND
Thank you so much for taking the time to make those changes to my test applications. I am really looking for two types of functionality. First the ability to just view one form at once modally. This is no problem. Next is the ability to have many forms open at once displaying different informati