Re: How to reopen a same vi ?

2004-06-01 Thread Sanaa
Bonjour tout le monde, R=E9ouvrir une face d'un m=EAme Sous-VI plusieurs fois n'est pas possible. En effet, pour r=E9ouvrir une face avant il faut d'abord la refermer. Sanaa TAZI

Re: Failure "save.cpp", line 1427

2004-05-18 Thread Sanaa
Hi, I suggest you to try to built an other application. Basic one. Just to know if you can do it. You should also try to isolate the problem by dividing your application and using the recompile function to isolate the offending VI. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Problems with serial visa under windows XP

2004-05-17 Thread Sanaa
Hello, You will find in the links bellow the solution for your problem : Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National

Re: pb de licence labview sui

2004-05-13 Thread Sanaa
Bonjour, Contente pour vous d'avoir trouver une solution. National Instruments ne dispose pas d'outils pour changer les Hostid d'une machine. Mais si votre solution marhce bien... Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instrument

Re: Failure "save.cpp", line 1427

2004-05-13 Thread Sanaa
Hello Hors, Can you give me please : 1 - The version of LabVIEW that you use 2 - Your OS 3 - Reference of devices that you use Have you try to build your application in other PC or other OS? I'm wainting for you response. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Programmatically controlling multiple scale graph

2004-05-11 Thread Sanaa
Hello All, You can duplicate Y scale in XY graph by right clicking on the scale and selecting : "Duplicate Scale". And As Greg McKaskle said, you can configure your each scale by creating XY graph property node (right clik on the graph and select creat) Sanaa TAZI Application Enginee

Re: pb de licence labview sui

2004-05-11 Thread Sanaa
r un "le serveur de licence de LabVIEW ne fonctionne plus"? Avez-vous un message vous l'expliquant? Si oui, merci de me le transmettre. En attendant votre r=E9ponse, je reste =E0 votre disposition. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Failure "save.cpp", line 1427

2004-05-07 Thread Sanaa
Hello Hors, Can you give me please more information about your application to detect problem. Thanks. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: error "prop.cpp line 2182" when I create sub-vi with activeX local variables

2004-05-05 Thread Sanaa
de propri=E9t=E9 et non une variable locale. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Digital I/O

2004-05-04 Thread Sanaa
Bonjour, Pour pouvoir r=E9pondre =E0 votre question, merci de me pr=E9ciser : 1 - Votre version LabVIEW. 2 - Votre carte DAQ ainsi que la version du drivers. Et si possible, avoir une partie de votre programmation. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: NI-IMAQ 1394 image display

2004-04-20 Thread Sanaa
Hello, To download the driver, you should pass by the technical support of Alliance VISION. So, in the web site, go to "Support technique" and click on "Ask question". There, you can ask the engineers to provide you the driver of your device. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: NI-IMAQ 1394 image display

2004-04-14 Thread Sanaa
Hello Vanessa, You must install the newest version of NI-IMAQ IEEE 1394 1.5.1. You can do that for free by downloading it from : Use the part Number : 850 413 E-03 Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Is it possible to modify programmaticaly a custom control

2004-04-08 Thread Sanaa
Hi Jumarion, Really good examples. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Black menu with Labview 7 on Win2K

2004-04-08 Thread Sanaa
I agree with you Joe Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Comment créer une tempo indepe

2004-04-08 Thread Sanaa
uot; dans le menu priorit=E9. J'esp=E8re avoir r=E9pondu =E0 votre question. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: toolbar, activex

2004-04-08 Thread Sanaa
occupe. Tu seras contact=E9 dans les jours =E0 venir. J'esp=E8re avoir r=E9pondu =E0 tes questions. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: Comment créer une tempo indepe

2004-04-08 Thread Sanaa
Bonjour, Vous voulez dire quoi par tempo? Outil qui permet la saisie au jour le jour du temps que vous passez sur vos diff=E9rents projets? Veuillez expliciter votre question. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: LVM file special blocks

2004-04-08 Thread Sanaa
Hello LucMesulog, I understand well what you want to do. Now, it's not possible de to that : introduce special blocks through the Express LVM write VI. To know more about this VI : Right click on it and select "Open the front panel" et click "convert". And show the b

Re: LVM file special blocks

2004-04-08 Thread Sanaa
Help for this Express VI for more information. You can access the help for this Express VI by right-clicking it on the block diagram and selecting Help from the shortcut menu. I hope that my answer will help you. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: exemple de VI pour commander un appareil USB

2004-03-30 Thread Sanaa
amp;qt=%2BVISA+%2Buser I hope that my answer will help you for your project. The links that Michael gave you are very interesting. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: USB Labview

2004-03-30 Thread Sanaa
Hello jojo, Unfortunately National Instruments do not have LabVIEW examples to communicate via USB. On the other, you can find below a document explaining you the demarche to be followed: Sanaa TAZI

Re: not able to type into string control

2004-03-22 Thread Sanaa
Hello All, I agree with Scott ROMINE. I just want to add one other potential solution: In the event that you use a "Node Property" with your string control (Right click on the control>>create>>Node Property), be sure that the variable "disabled" equalize to zero.

Re: LV Front panel controls get locked

2004-03-22 Thread Sanaa
Hello All, I agree with KillenC response. Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments

Re: tools build application in labview 6.1

2004-03-21 Thread Sanaa
dd/Remove Programs 2. Reinstall the Application Builder again without modifying the default installation path Sanaa TAZI Application Engineer National Instruments