Re: How do I communicate with an NI-6503 device, with simple switches LEDs

2004-06-17 Thread jhoskins
With the 6503 you can use DAQmx and the assistant. I would suggest first of all Going into MAX and setting up your channels in there. See Manual or help. Or you can use the assistant to do this for you. Drop the assistant onto the block diagram and let it come up then select digital I/O. from

Re: Case Statements

2004-06-15 Thread jhoskins
Thanks for clearing up my mistake. Kura Altenbach is correct. After reading your question again I realize I was wrong. sorry for that, thanks again altenbach.

Re: Case Statements

2004-06-14 Thread jhoskins
Make case 1 the default case then right click on the tunnel and select use default if unwired. Hope this helps Joe

Re: which version of LabVIEW needed?

2004-06-11 Thread jhoskins
The base version is just as the name implies. You would be better off if you chose the full developemet edition of labview 7.1(current version) This will give you all the functionality of the base version plus a lot more features. Some you may not need NOW but will become valuable in the future as

Re: How do I create an emergency stop custom control in LabVIEW that looks like an actual E-stop button

2004-06-11 Thread jhoskins
This is very easy to do in labview.The way that you do it is by double clicking the control. This will bring up the customize window and from there you can make it look like you want it to by inserting pictures into the control of the way you want it to look at each state. Look at the shipping

Re: which version of LabVIEW needed?

2004-06-11 Thread jhoskins
You may want to call NI about certain questions. Call your Local NI representative and talk to them. You may try downloading the evaluation version of labview 7.1. Sorry I cannot help more.

Re: Apply a border to the chart in HTML report

2004-06-10 Thread jhoskins
I have used this trick alot. One thing that I found is that if you make the color inside the graph white instead of transparent you will get the results that you are looking for. I usually make the outside of my graph transparent and the inside of my graph white and it looks good. Hope this helps

Re: pc-dio-96

2004-06-02 Thread jhoskins
Thanks for all your help. I'm Not that great with IO. It works just like you said. So now all I have to do is create a task then write zero's to it at the beginning of my program. then it should work correctly right. thanks Joe

Re: New to active X, why does this not work

2004-06-02 Thread jhoskins
I got this work with mpg, mp3, and wav files. what version of labview and windows are you running.

Re: Saving the Control Values on a Front Panel

2004-06-02 Thread jhoskins
What you need to is write a configuration file. There is a shipping example on how to do this called write configuration settings file. Joe

Re: Congratulations, Dennis Knutson!

2004-06-01 Thread jhoskins
Thank you Dennis for makung labview a fun language instead of a frustrating one. late nights, lots of coffee, then in the morning ask dennis then have it fixed by noon and the boss loves YA. Thanks again Dennis you are an inspiration to all of us.


2004-06-01 Thread jhoskins
I have A PC-DIO-96 card and my dilema is that when I write all outputs low and then try to read them back The outputs read High. Why is that?

Re: Application Builder for LV 7.1

2004-05-27 Thread jhoskins
what you need to do is open your main application right click on the VI in question and select SubVI node setup check the box for open when called and close afterwards if originally closed. this is one method. The other method is open the subvi in question go to Vi properties/ window appearance/

Re: How to hook up and control multiple (HP8133A) pulse generators?

2004-05-27 Thread jhoskins
what you will have to do is give each instrument a diiferent address. See owners manual for this and then adjust your code accordingly instrument 1 = GPIB::0 instrument 2 = GPIB::1 you can do this up to 16 instruments. There are also some good shipping examples for using GPIB Hope this helps

Re: cursor

2004-05-27 Thread jhoskins
That is a neat little Vi. Cool

Re: Application Builder for LV 7.1

2004-05-27 Thread jhoskins
They do not have to be used together. To explain further lets say you have created a VI to be used as a subvi in a main app. You may want that subvi to be called when you press a button and this vi will always open its front panel. In this instance you would use method two. Now lets say that you

Re: Stop a SubVI from the main VI

2004-05-26 Thread jhoskins
Can you please post your Vi's saved in version 7.0 To do that all you have to do is go to file/save with options/save for previous.Do this and I will have a look to see what might be wrong. Thanks

Re: Stop a SubVI from the main VI

2004-05-25 Thread jhoskins
It is hard to explain what you may be doing wrong without seeing your code. Please post your code and let us have a look a it.

Re: Continuous sin wave generation without buffer

2004-05-19 Thread jhoskins
Just my 2 cents put you would benefit with upgrading to nothing less than 7.0 but why not go 7.1 If this is an option do it. DAQmx Assistant alone will save hours of design time. Not to mention all the other math functions now available with 7.1 Joe

Re: LabVIEW.exe-Application Error

2004-05-19 Thread jhoskins
also one other thing if this is already an executable does it work in design time. It sounds to me like there may not be any wait functions in any of the loops which will cause the cpu usage to max out.

Re: How can I customize my legend?

2004-05-17 Thread jhoskins
right click on the graph. go to properties/plots tab then in name field type the name you want that plot to have. hope this helps Joe

Re: Is there a way to clean up all the wires at once?

2004-05-11 Thread jhoskins
Sweet VI Good job. how did you get the ref to the block diagram. I have been looking for it.

Re: TriggerGate Express VI. Is it possible to control Dialog Box parameters on the frontal panel?

2004-05-10 Thread jhoskins
Just be sure to save it as a different name. Glad to help Joe

Re: Insert a GIF-image in the front panel

2004-05-07 Thread jhoskins
yea this is very easily done.But you cannot just do a simple import but what you can do is open the picture that you want to put on the panel. Select it(edit, copy) then go to the front panel of your VI and paste it in. Then you can resize it as needed. Hope this helps. Joe

Re: Insert a GIF-image in the front panel

2004-05-07 Thread jhoskins
yea this is very easily done.But you cannot just do a simple import but what you can do is open the picture that you want to put on the panel. Select it(edit, copy) then go to the front panel of your VI and paste it in. Then you can resize it as needed. Hope this helps. Joe

Re: How do we get Windows Resource Usage (ie memory and CPU %) from a LabVIEW program

2004-05-07 Thread jhoskins
Follow this link it should help you.

Re: hotkey and subpanels

2004-05-06 Thread jhoskins
Here is a link that may help you.

Re: I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-06 Thread jhoskins
Glad to help. Love labview, live labview

Re: solve non linear complex-variable equations

2004-05-06 Thread jhoskins
use the formula node to enter your equation.

Re: I am using the Menu Selection With example...

2004-05-05 Thread jhoskins
Post your code so that I can see what is going on and I should be able to help you. Joe

Re: Edit Write LabVIEW measurement file header

2004-04-24 Thread jhoskins
hey bernd it's me again. What you will need to do if you want to use this Vi is place it on the block diagram. right click on it then select open front panel and then convert. Go to the block diagram and dig down in the vi until you find a Vi called ex_Headertospreadsheetstr open that up and save

Re: task

2004-04-24 Thread jhoskins
We need more info then just task if you want us to help you.

Re: Edit Write LabVIEW measurement file header

2004-04-24 Thread jhoskins
Hey Bernd here are the steps to finding the VI Ex_headertosprdstr.VI 1.Place write LVM express VI on block diagram. 2.Right click on VI and select open front panel, then select convert and this will open up the write LVM front panel. 3.Go to the block diagram of the Write LVM and there will be

Re: How can I open a VI as an independent program out of an other program?

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
The easiest way to do that is to use the event structure (7.0). and edit the events of the structure to handle the OK button. If you do not have a version of labview that has the event structure capability, then you can use a statemachine. Look at the examples for further info. I'll try to attach

Re: using windows media player in labview

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
tell me what you would like to do with it and I will help you. Do a search on activeX in the examples and you will find how to do it with activeX. Joe

Re: How can I open a VI as an independent program out of an other program?

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
tmh there is no need to do polling if he uses the event structure. Polling takes up processor the event structure, saves processor time for something else because it waits for that one event to happen. I agree event structure is probably overkill but it is easy to learn how to use and will let

Re: Loop to do arithmetic operations

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
As an answer you can download the openG toolkit from and there is a tool in there that will this.

Re: Why Do LV7 VIs Stop Executing When I Click on the Window Title Bar?

2004-04-20 Thread jhoskins
I have ran into this during other time critical data acquisitions within a loop using win2K and found that if I put a wait function in a loop with 0mS it works just fine if I move the mouse. Sorry cannot help more

Re: how to exchange data between two labview programs running on independent machines?

2004-04-18 Thread jhoskins
One of the easiest ways would be to use the VI server. There are many examples on how to do this that come with labview.(7.0) Do a search on server and you will find many ways. Joe

Re: filter data

2004-04-18 Thread jhoskins
Please repost your VI. Second any of the filter Vi's should work.

Re: LabVIEW Licensing question

2004-04-15 Thread jhoskins
I'm pretty sure that you cannot install on multiple machines at your company at any one time. Even though you have purchased the upgrades for 6.1 and 7.0 you still fall under the same agreement that was initially purchased for 6.0. However if these are not upgrades then you can. Also under the

Re: counting consecutive events

2004-04-14 Thread jhoskins
If I remember correctly that when you expand the index array and do wire a any constants to it then it will automatically do this for you. Check the help and see. Joe

Re: counting consecutive events

2004-04-13 Thread jhoskins
Are you wanting to know how many times that your pulses cross a certain value after the index array or are you wanting to know how many times before index. where exactly are you trying to count the pulses. if after the index then are you saying that as long as it is between the upper and lower

Re: Calling a LabVIEW built dll

2004-04-13 Thread jhoskins
when you built the dll di you make it reentrant. if not this could possibly cause what you are seeing.

Re: Problems acquiring 3 analog channels at fast sampling rates

2004-04-13 Thread jhoskins
My advice would be to definetly do all the calculations outside of the loop.Also you will want to use double buffering if you can. I'm not sure if that card will do that or not.what the AI C scan uses is a circular buffer which means if you do not read the data fast enough then you will get buffer

Re: counting consecutive events

2004-04-13 Thread jhoskins
I hope this solves your problem if it did then Have a good day. If not then let me know and I will help you all I can. C-ya

Re: clear xy graph...

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
it's just a property node. like if you were to run a macro then look at the code for it. this is what it would look like. Just do what A rafiq said and you'll be fine.

Re: How do I register to DotNET events?

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
I think now they have this fixed with 7.0. I do know that there was a bug. here is a link. hope it helps

Re: Adjusting Bitmap color range

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
The easiest way to do that would be to use a picture ring and modify the bitmap image for all the stages that you would need and place them into the picture ring and update the ring for each case.

Re: How to create a PC self test in LabView?

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
help us understand your question. Do you mean that you want it to check various things on start up (ie monitor pluged etc) or what type of self test are you talking about. Please be more specific

Re: Does anyone know if VI Analyzer Toolkit is included in the Full Labview 7.0 Package?

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
I just contacted NI on this matter. The VI analyzer is an add on toolkit that is not available with any other toolset. Meaning it must be purchased separately. TN's company must have purchased it separately for him without him knowing it.If you have any questions about this contact NI sales. Joe

Re: How to read MPEG with Labview 6.1

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
Gilles What are you trying to do with the file. Play or just read it into your vi so that you can manipulate the data. it is no problem to play the data using active x and windows media player Be more specific so I can help you further.

Re: How do I delete a token in the Instrument I/O assistant in LV 7?

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
I'm assuming that you mean that when you delete that token that when the I/O assistant recompiles that you do not want to have to rewire your whole code. with that being said there is no way around that happening. but there is a work around. What you need to do is leave your code wired they way

Re: how to create a pass fail criteria

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
bu the way your last name is no pichler is it. just checking because we use to have a guy that worked here named bernd pichler. just checking

Re: Connecting front panels to different block diagrams

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
Labview will do this very nicely. Although you could do this with a global variable they take up more memory so try this method. step 1. open front panel of the VI that you want to copntrol. Step 2. go to the icon in the upper right hand corner and right click on the icon and select show

Re: Conditional breakpoints and trace

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
This feature is available in labview 7 express

Re: how to create a pass fail criteria

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
Glad I could help. you might want to consider buying the book called labview for everyone second edition

Re: how to create a pass fail criteria

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
Glad I could help. you might want to consider buying the book called labview for everyone second edition

Re: An anolog signal will be received by my computer through the...

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
labview has an express VI in 7.0 that will give you the frequency easily. and there are many examples of doing this. use the help find examples to see them

Re: why does my computer restart when I push run?

2004-04-08 Thread jhoskins
Brian, I have had this same problem with other types of daq cards. What i found out is that labview for some reason could not initialize the driver correctly and would crash or I would close out labview wrong and it would not close out the driver, then when I restarted labview and hit run on My

Re: Unknown system error when using Active X and Word

2004-03-30 Thread jhoskins
I am using labview 7.0 with the same version of word that you are using.

Re: how to reduce the process time in a while loop

2004-03-30 Thread jhoskins
HI mudda This will probably sound a little crazy but if you are not putting in some type of wait function into your loop then you could be seding you processor to 100% therefore slowing down the process. this will free upi some processor time. i do this in all my applications because it allows

Re: how to reduce the process time in a while loop

2004-03-30 Thread jhoskins
that was a good answer alot better than mine was but I tried. I guess that why I'm still a newby

Re: Ring AutoUpdate buggy ?

2004-03-30 Thread jhoskins
here is a link to a discussion that I found that might suit your needs.

Re: Lorentzian curve fitting

2004-03-30 Thread jhoskins
I'm not sure if labview 4 has specific VI's for lorentzian fitting but if it does not then one suggestion would be to modify the code in these existing VI's for curvef it and saving them as another name. try this. If you do nothave any curve fit VI's let me know and I will send you the ones I

Re: file name in different directory

2004-03-30 Thread jhoskins
unfortunately I have had this happen to me. be developing a vi and get it working so you can use then you find some features that you want to change but you do not want to harm the other vi. One way i got around this problem was to create a library and have all the files that i neede in that

Re: seperate window example

2004-03-25 Thread jhoskins
this is where you put the path to the main VI. like this dstp://localhost/mainvi. where MainVI is the name of your application that is calling the subvi. you must start this path with dstp.

Re: seperate window example

2004-03-24 Thread jhoskins
you must have the data socket server open and running before you start running the main VI. if you do not it will appear that the VI does not work correctly. Again read up on the data socket server before running the VI again. If this still does not work write back and I will try to help you more

Re: Create histogram express vi

2004-03-21 Thread jhoskins
You are welcome and may god bless you in every way.

Re: Windows XP Loop iteration rate problems

2004-03-21 Thread jhoskins
there have been issues in the past about loops and XP/2000. I do not know how skilled you are in labview and i do not want to insult your intelligence but have you tried inserting a wait function with just 1msthis will allow windows to free up some memory. If you watch the task manager, if you do

Re: I need to defend Labview from some co-workers previous experience.

2004-03-09 Thread jhoskins
I went through the same thing were I work at. All the programmers here work with visual basic 6. .NET and visual C++ to do a lot of hard core coding simply because they have been doing it for years. I am the lab manger here now and i purchased Labview 7 express. Now when it comes to building test

Want two build two .EXE

2004-02-18 Thread jhoskins
I want to build Two executables and have them installe dby an installer. the problem that I am having is that the application builder wants to build one exe for both VI's.