Re: how to save my 3 channel data like this

2004-06-16 Thread uscmagz
Try attaching a picture again. You might be acquiring with waveforms and that might be whats causing the problem.

Best way to handle user scaling/offsetting of channels in a program?

2004-06-10 Thread uscmagz
I have a Channel Configuration page in my program that I setup. The user can turn channels on or off for data acquisition. The user saves the channels (global variable), and then goes back to a Main Menu. Right now, if they want to add a channel or edit one, I'm having them go through MAX. I can

Re: which command I can use to exit from a subvi without exiting from labview in run-time?

2004-06-02 Thread uscmagz
Are you trying to exit a subVI to get back to a Main VI? If so, use a simple state machine. There is a template for this in LabVIEW. Put the SubVI inside the state machine to be called. For the subVI, under the VI Property Window Appearances, customize the window to Show Front Panel when called,

Why can I not view my channels configured in MAX in order?

2004-06-02 Thread uscmagz
I am using the GET NAMES.VI to get the Virtual channel names from MAX, and I am calling them one at a time, starting with Channel 0. However, it spits them back out in the order they were CREATED. I thought it was my mistake but apparently if I look at the DAQ Channel Viewer inside Labview, this

Re: which command I can use to exit from a subvi without exiting from labview in run-time?

2004-06-02 Thread uscmagz
In LabVIEW, go to the FIND EXAMPLES menu. View the bNew Event Handler.VI/b or the bOld Event Handler.VI/b and either of these will do if this is indeed what you are looking for... =0)

Will Labview 6.1 work with Windows 98? If it does, will it be less efficient?

2004-05-19 Thread uscmagz
Thanks! Lauren

Re: Help! If I have a binary file how do I then translate it to a spreadsheet file?

2004-05-17 Thread uscmagz
I think I may have got it. Thanks though!!

What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread uscmagz
They are all using Voltage, so I guess I could have a way to switch between voltage and other units. The main readings will be temperature and strain gage readings, which I've then configured using the Measurement Automation Explorer as Virtual Channels. Any ideas/suggestions from people who've

Re: What's the best way to deal with having different units plotted on the same graph?

2004-05-17 Thread uscmagz
Do you divide the data arrays by the maximum, or is this configured in the graph properties? I'm confused about whether I'd be configuring the graph or the data. Do you have a basic example on hand by chance? Thanks.

Re: How to show only 10 channels at a time in a Chart

2004-05-14 Thread uscmagz
I dont think you can have different colors on the built-in plot legend. But sure, you could read the PLOT COLOR for each plot, then set the TEXT COLOR in each element of the array to the corresponding color.

Re: How can I account for virtual channels (from Channel Wizard) in the attached VI?

2004-05-13 Thread uscmagz
Thank you thank you thank you thank you!! For taking the time to help me. Phew. That looks more like what I need, yes. Lauren

Re: Why is Time treated as an ugly child in labview

2004-05-07 Thread uscmagz
*bahahaha...* You know your entire life revolves around Friday, January 1, 1904 at 12am!

Is there a way to acquire a set number of points from multiple channels?

2004-05-07 Thread uscmagz
I had set up a VI to use AI ONE POINT.VI for multiple channels. Getting one data point for me is useless. I need, say, 100 data points from multiple channels at once. Is there a way to do that? Is there an example program I'm not seeing that already does that? Thanks! p.s. I have Labview 6.1

Re: Microsoft Report Generation Toolkit Error Running VI's

2004-02-09 Thread uscmagz
Thanks, I'll try that today. What do I do about Microsoft Word reports, though? It doesn't work either.

Help! Error in New

2004-02-09 Thread uscmagz
Why do I get an Error -2147312566 when I run New I have the Microsoft Report Generation Toolkit 1.0.1 installed and am running LabVIEW 6.1. I don' tthink that New is the only problem I'm having. None of the SubVI's seem like they are able to be called when I run any of the

Re: Help! Error in New

2004-02-09 Thread uscmagz
I had already looked at that link. Thank you though. I don't have Labview 7 Express. It's Labview 6.1. Any help for 6.1?